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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

U.S. Department of State — ASEAN Regional Workshop to Protect the Mekong Environment

The U.S. Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City announces funding to develop and implement a six-day workshop in 2018 on protecting the environment of the Mekong Delta. The workshop will be held in Vietnam, and it will bring together at least 80 members of the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) who have environmental backgrounds and leadership potential. Eligibility to apply for organizing and implementing the workshop extends to nonprofit civil society organizations and public educational institutions in the USA and other countries. Applicants should have strong linkages with a Vietnam-based partner. Proposals should be for under US$250 thousand. Funding Opportunity SVM700-17-PAS-09. The application deadline is 15 September 2017. Link

British Council — Research Workshops on Biodiversity, UK and Latin America

The UK’s Newton Fund helps fund regional workshops that bring together early-career researchers from the UK and partner countries to allow them to make international connections.  The current call will support workshops on research related to biodiversity and connected topics of climate change, bio-economy, and sustainability.  The  partner countries are Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru.  Applications are invited from the institutions of early-career researchers in the UK and these partner countries.  The application deadline is 13 October 2017.   More information

YOUNGO — Global South Scholarships to attend COP23 and COY13 on Climate Change

Youngo offers complete financial support and capacity building training to participate at UN Climate Change Conference and 13th Conference Of Youth (COY13) in November, 2017 in Bonn, Germany. Young people around the world can actively engage in the effort to address climate change. The program shall cover all costs of travel, accommodation, visa, travel insurance fee, food, local transport and other costs for the selected applicants. Applicants must be between 18 to 35 years old on 31 August 2017. Deadline for applications is 24 August 2017. Find Out More  

Goethe Institut and DAAD — Science Journalism Training Program in Egypt

The project “Schreiben über Wissenschaft” (translation: Writing about Science) is a cooperation between the Goethe-Institut and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The goal is to foster the relationship between the sciences on the one side and journalism on the other, in order to support the transfer of knowledge to a broader public. The workshop will take place 30 September to 02 October near Cairo, and is open to science journalists interested in writing about scientific topics. Transport and accommodation will be provided by the Goethe-Institute. Deadline for application is 25 August 2017. Link to the Application Form

British Council – Agroforestry Workshop in Kenya

The British Council accepts applications for the agroforestry workshop on “Role of small holder agroforestry systems in the arid and semi-arid regions in combating climate change”. The workshop aims to develop a sustainable network of researchers across UK, Kenya, and South Africa. Early-career researchers are invited to apply to attend the workshop. All travel and accommodation expenses will be covered by the Newton Researcher Links programme. Deadline for application is 30 August 2017. About the Workshop

Adaptation Futures 2018 — Dialogues for Solutions

Adaptation Futures is the biennial conference of the Global Programme of Research on Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation (PROVIA). The Conference provides an opportunity for international networking and dialogue with more than 1000 participants from academia, government, civil society and business — all aiming to take climate adaptation forward. Early-career researchers and practitioners are encouraged to participate and will be accommodated in as many sessions as possible. Adaptation Futures 2018 takes place from 18-21 June 2018 in Cape Town, South Africa. Applications for attendance grants will be accepted from 15 October 2017 to 15 January 2018. Link

British Council — Researcher Links Workshops, UK/Russia

Researcher Links Workshops bring together early-career researchers from the UK and a partner country to make international connections that can improve the quality of their research. There will be nine awards in total under this call – five awards for workshops in Russia, and four for workshops in the UK. All workshops must be held in 2018. Each proposal must have one Principal Applicant from the UK and one Principal Applicant from Russia. The submission deadline is 19 September 2017.  Link

British Council — Research Workshops

The British Council announces workshops that convene UK researchers with partners in other countries. Among the workshops that have deadlines beyond the date of this posting are: China, polymer electrolyte fuel cells (deadline 30 June 2017); Mexico, sustainable aquatic resources (deadline 30 June 2017); Turkey, offshore wind and wave energy (deadline 30 June 2017); India, closed loop green technologies for rural development (deadline 14 July 2017); China, erosion control and sustainable energy in green port development (deadline 15 July 2017); South Africa, post-harvest systems using renewable and sustainable energy (deadline 16 July 2017); Brazil, biological soft matter science in agri-food systems (deadline 21 July 2017); India, waste heat harvesting (deadline 01 September 2017); Malaysia, climate resilience and urban infrastructure (deadline 14 September 2017). The site lists additional workshops in additional subject areas. Link

Sam Moyo African Institute for Agrarian Studies — International Workshop and Course on Agrarian Studies

The Sam Moyo African Institute for Agrarian Studies (SMAIAS) and the Agrarian South Network invite participation in the 2017 First Edition of the Agrarian Studies Training Institute. SMAIAS is offering a one-month workshop and course on “Agrarian Transformations in the Global South” to be held in Harare (October and November 2017). It encourages applications from young scholars in the Global South, along with social movement activists who are engaged in agrarian policy lobby and advocacy. Successful candidates will be fully funded by SMAIAS. The application deadline is 30 June 2017. Link

Liebnitz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research — Travel Grants for the International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology, and Genetics of Wildlife 2017

The Liebnitz Instiute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) is partnering with the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria to invite participants for the 11th International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology, and Genetics of Wildlife (October, Berlin). IZW offers travel grants up to €500 as well as free registration for the conference banquet for selected highly-qualified scientists from developing countries. Applicants for travel grants should register online and submit their abstracts no later than 19 July 2017. Link