The Equator Prize 2025 recognizes innovative initiatives that showcase how action on nature, led by Indigenous Peoples and local communities, can provide effective climate solutions, and demonstrate effective pathways to transform the global systems for people and Planet. Nominated projects may focus on solutions for sustainable food systems, restoration of ecosystems that help communities adapt to the impacts of climate change, or protection of terrestrial or marine ecosystems, biodiversity, and wildlife. The nominated initiative must have been in existence for at least three years. Each winner will receive US$10 thousand. Nominations must be submitted by 23 February 2025. Equator Prize
Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation — Renewable Energy and Waste Management
The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) offers grants to private sector entities working on renewable energy and waste management in developing countries. The funding aims to increase access to sustainable energy, reduce emissions from the energy sector, and mitigate marine litter by supporting recycling, reuse, and pollution reduction efforts. The program prioritizes projects in Sub-Saharan Africa and Indonesia, with a particular focus on Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana, Mozambique, South Africa, and Nepal. The next application cycle closes on 04 March 2025. NORAD Grants
Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship — Training for Social Entrepreneurs
The Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship accepts applications for an accelerator program focused on social enterprises working on women’s economic power and/or climate resilience. The program is designed for established social entrepreneurs who directly serve people living in poverty who suffer disproportionately from climate change. Climate resilience falls into one of the following three categories: sustainable energy, availability of sustainable management of water and sanitation, and climate-smart agriculture. Non-profit, for-profit, or hybrid social enterprises that have a clear commitment to an earned revenue model with the potential for scale are all encouraged to apply. There are no geographical limitations. The application deadline is 13 April 2025. Link
Conservation, Food and Health Foundation — Local Project Support
The Conservation, Food and Health Foundation supports special projects and programs in the areas of conservation, food, and health in low- and lower-middle-income countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. The foundation supports projects that demonstrate local leadership; develop the capacity of local organizations; and address a particular problem or question in the field. Eligibility extends to NGOs, community-based organizations, and academic institutions. There is no maximum grant size. Most grants will fall in the US$25 thousand to US$50 thousand per year range. The application deadline for concept notes is 15 June 2025. About this opportunity
ClimateCare — Emission Reduction and Removal Projects
ClimateCare finances available to scale work in nature-based projects and energy projects. Partnership applications are open to proposals for carbon projects at all stages of development seeking finance and development support to deliver emissions reductions and improve lives. ClimateCare offers access to finance, technical expertise and access to key market insights. Partners receive support for running on-the-ground project activities that deliver impacts on biodiversity, health and livelihoods. Only partners with projects of a certain size qualify for partnership. Interested applicants can submit a proposal for consideration anytime. Further information here
University of Bonn — SDG Fellowships
The University of Bonn invites international postdoctoral fellows for a joint research project on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The scientists will research and teach together with a professor from the University of Bonn for one or two semesters. The university seeks collaborations with universities and research institutes in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Post-doctoral researchers invited by a professor of the University of Bonn for a joint research project are eligible. The funding can cover a travel allowance, a scholarship of €3 thousand per month, and a research expense allowance of up to €500 per month. The application must be submitted by a full-time professor at the University of Bonn together with the fellow. The submission deadline is 31 March 2025. Bonn SDG Fellowships
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation — Research Fellowship for Brazilian Postdoctoral Researchers
The Capes-Humboldt Research Fellowship supports postdoctoral researchers and experienced researchers from Brazil with their research in collaboration with a host at a German research institution. Fellowships may last from 6 to 18 months and can be divided into up to three stays within three years. The monthly fellowship amount is €2,600. The next application deadline is 30 May 2025. More here
European Commission — Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships 2025
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships provide opportunities to acquire and transfer new knowledge and to work on research in a European context or outside Europe. The scheme particularly supports the return and re-integration of researchers from outside Europe who have previously worked there. It also develops or helps to re-start the careers of individual researchers that show great potential, considering their experience. Applicants in the EU; their overseas territories; countries associated with Horizon 2020; and most developing countries are eligible for consideration. The closing date for applications is 10 September 2025. About
Volvo Environment Prize — Nominations 2025
The Volvo Environment Prize aims to promote scientific research and innovations that in broad terms fall within the environmental and sustainability field. The Volvo Environment Prize Foundation invites universities, research institutes, scientists, engineers, as well as other individuals and organizations to submit nominations. Priority is given to an individual or to a group of individuals. Past laureates have included leaders in fields such as global change, biodiversity, energy efficiency, and others. The Prize consists of a diploma, sculpture, and cash award for SEK 1.5 million. The deadline for nominations is 20 January 2025. Volvo Environment Prize
World Habitat — World Habitat Awards 2026
The World Habitat Awards (WHA) demonstrate solutions to current housing issues faced by countries worldwide. The WHA takes a broad perspective to include energy, waste management, water conservation, resilience to natural disasters, and other environmental aspects in its definition of habitat. Two winners will each receive £10 thousand. The deadline for applications (English, French, Spanish) is 03 March 2025. World Habitat Awards