The Terra Viva Grants Directory brings free funding information to the developing world. Please consider making a donation to support our operations.

The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Conserving the Guinean Forests of West Africa

The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) invites letters of inquiry for small grants (maximum budget US$50 thousand per project) in support of conservation in the Guinean forests of West Africa. Grants under this call can be made to NGOs, private enterprises, universities, and research institutes. The eligible countries are Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Applicants can apply in English or French using the templates provided in the announcement. The closing date is 02 August 2024. Link to the call




Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean — Rural World in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean seeks research proposals to fund up to nine research projects that contribute to understanding the main problems faced by rural societies and productive means in the economies of Latin America and the Caribbean. Three projects will be selected from those related to poverty and inequality, three from risk and climate change and sustainable development, while the remaining three will be selected from those related to rurality. Each winning research project will receive up to US$15 thousand. The closing date for receipt of the proposal is 09 August 2024. Call for Research Proposals

Friends of Nepal — Nepal Grants

Friends of Nepal (FoN) supports initiatives that fight climate change and environmental degradation and provide solutions to agricultural and economic development in Nepal. FoN welcomes applications that simultaneously address climate change, natural resource conservation, and sustainability as well as economic development. The average grant size is approximately US$5 thousand per project. Organizations must be based in either the United States or Nepal. The application deadline is 20 August 2024. Nepal Grants

U.S. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation — Seabird Conservation Program 2024

The U.S. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) invites applications to improve populations of focal Pacific seabirds through actions that increase survival and reproduction. Proposed projects may address the management of non-native, invasive animals; restoration of nesting grounds and habitat; research and monitoring activities to address conservation needs; or activities that reduce bycatch. Awards generally fall within a range of US$50 thousand to US$1 million. Eligibility is not restricted. The deadline for proposals is 26 August 2024. Seabird Conservation Program

Earth Company — Impact Hero 2025

Each year, Earth Company selects one Impact Hero that has the potential to transform the future of developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Impact Heroes are visionary leaders who tackle some of the most pressing social and environmental challenges and make transformative changes to the communities they serve. Earth Company provides 3 years of support through leadership coaching, fundraising, marketing, and business development. Eligibility extends to everybody and all forms of organizations. Applications have to be received no later than 31 August 2024. Find details here

Embassy of the Czech Republic — Small-Scale Development Projects 2024

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Pretoria launches its annual call for proposals for Small Scale Development Projects. The call concerns all countries accredited to the Embassy: South Africa, Angola, Botswana, Eswatini, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Lesotho, and Namibia. Projects and development activities providing materials or equipment, training, or capacity-building in the fields of sustainable management of natural resources, agriculture, and economic transformation (including renewable energy) are welcome. The Czech Republic will provide up to CZK 500 thousand per project. Non-profit organizations, educational institutions, or community groups are welcome to apply. The deadline for submission of the complete proposals is 15 September 2024. Details

Irish Aid — SDG Challenge 2024

The SDG Challenge invites research teams to develop innovative solutions that contribute to SDG 2: Zero Hunger, “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture”. Eligible partner countries are Cambodia; Laos; Palestine; Vietnam; ODA-eligible countries on the African continent; and ODA-eligible Small Island Developing States. Teams will receive up to €250 thousand to develop their idea. Workshop Support Grants of up to €5.000 are available to potential applicants to facilitate team formation and seed idea generation before applying. The application deadline is 08 October 2024. SDG Challenge

L’Oréal — Fund for Women

L’Oréal supports organizations in their efforts to help women to get out of poverty. The Fund focuses on supporting women’s and girls’ empowerment, particularly through projects in favor of social or professional integration and education. Specific attention is paid to refugee women and women with disabilities. Eligibility extends to grassroots non-profit organizations. The Fund is open internationally and can support local or national projects/activities. The next round of applications will be open from 19 September to 17 October 2024. Fund for Women

AJA Foundation — Water Grants

AJA Foundation supports projects that provide access to clean water. AJA Foundation has a particular commitment to providing renewable clean water in rural African villages. There is no geographical restriction on where projects might be located. Funding ranges from US$2500 to US$500 thousand. The Foundation accepts LOIs on a rolling basis. Details here

Fund for Innovation in Development — Grant Program

The Fund for Innovation in Development (FID) supports innovation that contributes to reducing global poverty and inequality. FID encourages applications for solutions in education, health, climate change, and gender equality in all low- and middle-income countries. Nearly any type of applicant is eligible to apply, including researchers, governments, NGOs, and for-profit companies. FID makes five types of grants: Prepare Grants (up to €50 thousand) can be used to support the development of projects and proposals; Pilot Grants (up to €200 thousand) support the piloting of innovations that are early in development and need real-world testing; Scale Grants (up to €1,5 million) support the further testing and continued growth of innovations; Transition to Scale Grants (up to €4 million) support the transition of rigorously tested and validated solutions to widespread scaling; and Transforming Public Policy Grants (up to €150 thousand) support specific evidence-based innovations with demonstrated cost-effectiveness and scalability into public policies. FID accepts applications at any point throughout the year. Know more