The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) invites proposals that meet the needs of local communities in Kazakhstan. The priorities under this call include women’s economic rights, decent jobs and entrepreneurship, and investing in the poorest and most vulnerable (which may include agriculture or aquaculture projects), as well as environment, climate action focusing on adaptation and mitigation, and water management. The average contribution is C$20 thousand to C$60 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to not-for-profit local, national, or community-based organizations. The deadline for submission is 28 February 2025. CFLI Kazakhstan
Eurasia/Central Asia
Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Community Projects in Kyrgyzstan
The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) invites proposals that meet the needs of local communities in Kyrgyzstan. The priorities under this call include women’s economic rights, decent jobs and entrepreneurship, and investing in the poorest and most vulnerable (which may include agriculture or aquaculture projects), as well as environment, climate action focusing on adaptation and mitigation, and water management. The average contribution is C$20 thousand to C$60 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to not-for-profit local, national, or community-based organizations. The deadline for submission is 28 February 2025. CFLI Kyrgyzstan
Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Community Projects in Tajikistan
The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) invites proposals that meet the needs of local communities in Tajikistan. The priorities under this call include women’s economic rights, decent jobs and entrepreneurship, and investing in the poorest and most vulnerable (which may include agriculture or aquaculture projects), as well as environment, climate action focusing on adaptation and mitigation, and water management. The average contribution is C$20 thousand to C$60 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to not-for-profit local, national, or community-based organizations. The deadline for submission is 28 February 2025. CFLI Tajikistan
Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Community Projects in Turkmenistan
The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) invites proposals that meet the needs of local communities in Turkmenistan. The priorities under this call include women’s economic rights, decent jobs and entrepreneurship, and investing in the poorest and most vulnerable (which may include agriculture or aquaculture projects), as well as environment, climate action focusing on adaptation and mitigation, and water management. The average contribution is C$20 thousand to C$60 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to not-for-profit local, national, or community-based organizations. The deadline for submission is 28 February 2025. CFLI Turkmenistan
Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Community Projects in Uzbekistan
The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) invites proposals that meet the needs of local communities in Uzbekistan. The priorities under this call include women’s economic rights, decent jobs and entrepreneurship, and investing in the poorest and most vulnerable (which may include agriculture or aquaculture projects), as well as environment, climate action focusing on adaptation and mitigation, and water management. The average contribution is C$20 thousand to C$60 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to not-for-profit local, national, or community-based organizations. The deadline for submission is 28 February 2025. CFLI Uzbekistan
European Union — European Exchange Program for Entrepreneurs
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a cross-border exchange program for aspiring entrepreneurs. New entrepreneurs will benefit from on-the-job training in a small or medium-sized enterprise in another participating country. The program provides practical and financial assistance, and matches entrepreneurs with experienced hosts. Applications are accepted from both, host entrepreneurs (HEs) – ideally owners of a micro or small enterprise – and new entrepreneurs (NEs) in their early stages. Participating NEs will receive financial support for travel, living and subsistence costs during the visit. Applications are accepted from permanent residents in one of 28 EU Member States, Albania, Armenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Iceland, Montenegro, Moldova, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine and Kosovo. Applications are accepted continuously. Find out how to participate
Conservation, Food and Health Foundation — Local Project Support
The Conservation, Food and Health Foundation supports special projects and programs in the areas of conservation, food, and health in low- and lower-middle-income countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. The foundation supports projects that demonstrate local leadership; develop the capacity of local organizations; and address a particular problem or question in the field. Eligibility extends to NGOs, community-based organizations, and academic institutions. There is no maximum grant size. Most grants will fall in the US$25 thousand to US$50 thousand per year range. The application deadline for concept notes is 15 June 2025. About this opportunity
University of Bonn — SDG Fellowships
The University of Bonn invites international postdoctoral fellows for a joint research project on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The scientists will research and teach together with a professor from the University of Bonn for one or two semesters. The university seeks collaborations with universities and research institutes in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Post-doctoral researchers invited by a professor of the University of Bonn for a joint research project are eligible. The funding can cover a travel allowance, a scholarship of €3 thousand per month, and a research expense allowance of up to €500 per month. The application must be submitted by a full-time professor at the University of Bonn together with the fellow. The submission deadline is 31 March 2025. Bonn SDG Fellowships
Save the Rhino International — Rhino Conservation, Science, and Education
Save the Rhino International (SRI) aims to increase the number of rhinos in genetically viable populations in the wild; enhance the integrity of ecosystems important to rhinos; and ensure that local communities benefit from rhino conservation. The acceptance of new projects is highly unlikely but SRI accepts emails with a short explanation (maximum one page). SRI will invite full proposals based on the initial contact email. Short project explanations are accepted on a rolling basis. About the application process
Snow Leopard Network — Training Grant
The Snow Leopard Network invited applications for the Snow Leopard Training Grant which is designed to further strengthen snow leopard conservation and research. The scope of the capacity projects to be funded includes training workshops, protected area management, conservation education, women conservation leadership training, and wildlife population monitoring. Awards range from US$1,000 to US$1,500. The grant is open to researchers, practitioners, and organizations working to support snow leopard conservation. Proposals have to be submitted by 15 February 2025. Snow Leopard Network Training Grants