The Terra Viva Grants Directory brings free funding information to the developing world. Please consider making a donation to support our operations.

The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Conservation International — Programs to Fund Biodiversity Conservation

Conservation International (CI) manages multiple funding programs that include the Conservation Stewards Program; the Althelia Climate Fund; the Global Conservation Fund; the Carbon Fund; and Verde Ventures. Each of these funds provides contact information. Potentially interested partner organizations and grant seekers should make inquiries with the identified staff at CI. See the programs

Bestseller Foundation — Enterprises in Agriculture and Environment

The Bestseller Foundation provides financial support for sustainable agriculture, sustainable jobs and entrepreneurship, and environment and nature conservation in China, Africa and India. The foundation invests mainly with commercial actors in for-profit projects by means of loans and equity. Nonprofit organizations and projects may sometimes be eligible if they have clear and commercially viable objectives. In some cases, the Foundation may consider grants or donations. Potential partners in the eligible regions contact the Foundation by telephone or email, and present a short concept note. Find details

Commission for Environmental Cooperation — Monarch Conservation Toolbox

The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) offers website aimed at increasing participation in conservation efforts for Monarch butterfly conservation. Farmers, landowners and the general public can explore opportunities to receive financial support to create and/or preserve monarch habitat in Canada, Mexico and the United States. There is no specific deadline. Each incentive program has different eligibility criteria and submission requirements. Explore the incentive programs

Interchurch Organization for Development Cooperation — Grassroots Agriculture, Climate Change, and Natural Resources

ICCO works towards a world in which people can live in dignity and well-being without poverty and injustice. It supports projects in agricultural markets; food security and water; prevention and adaptation to climate change; access to land and forests for minorities; and prevention of natural disasters. Most programs and projects are managed from ICCO’s country offices, each of which defines specific focus areas. Civil society organizations that want to inquire about partnering with ICCO should make contact at the country level. Link

United Nations University — Online Post-Graduate Course on Mangroves

The UNU’s Institute for Water, Environment, and Health (UNU-INWEH) partners with The Nature Conservancy to offer an online course in mangrove biology, ecology, assessment, management, and restoration. The course is predominantly aimed at young academics, professionals, managers, and other interested individuals — especially from developing countries. The course provides the opportunity for professionals to build their capacity without taking personal leave to attend classes. This open-access course has no fee. Link

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation — Grants for Climate and Energy

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation makes grants to solve social and environmental problems in the USA and internationally. The Foundation’s grant making for its environmental sub-program in Climate and Energy makes grants to strengthen global climate policy. The Foundation also funds improvements in transportation to reduce air pollution — focusing on China, India, Europe, and the United States. Most of Hewlett’s grants are by invitation. However, the Foundation accepts letters of inquiry (LOIs) in certain programs — including Climate and Energy. LOIs can be submitted at any time. Link

Archer Daniels Midland Company — Corporate Social Investment Program

The Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) is a multinational agribusiness corporation. ADM’s corporate social investment program “ADM Cares” makes grants in themes of agricultural development, sound environmental practices, education for children and young adults, and maintaining vibrant communities. Grant seekers contact ADM for more information about the grant process or criteria for matching gifts. Link

Stiftung Artenschutz — Funding for Species Conservation

Stiftung Artenschutz provides financial support, technical consultancy and administrative assistance for the conservation of critically endangered species or subspecies. Projects should serve the objectives of in-situ conservation. However, funding may also include ex-situ conservation measures, if they are sensible and essential in order to maintain threaten species or populations. Funding recipients may be non-profit organisations, charities, or research institutions. There are no fixed deadlines for the submission of funding requests. Applications are accepted and reviewed throughout the year. About the application process

Bestseller Foundation — Enterprises in Agriculture and Environment

The Bestseller Foundation provides financial support for sustainable agriculture, sustainable jobs and entrepreneurship, and environment and nature conservation in China, Africa and India. The foundation invests mainly with commercial actors in for-profit projects by means of loans and equity. Nonprofit organizations and projects may sometimes be eligible if they have clear and commercially viable objectives. In some cases, the Foundation may consider grants or donations. Potential partners in the eligible regions contact the Foundation by telephone or email, and present a short concept note. Find details

Alcoa Foundation — Location Grants

The Alcoa Foundation makes signature grants and location grants. Location grants serve communities around the world where Alcoa has production facilities or administrative offices. Grant making addresses the Foundation’s two key focus areas (i.e., climate change and biodiversity), in addition to local community priorities. Interested organizations make their grant requests through their local Alcoa facility. The Foundation provides a link to Alcoa’s locations worldwide including in Brazil, Guinea, Saudi Arabia, and Suriname. Link