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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

CIVICUS — Civil Society Activism

The CIVICUS Nelson Mandela-Graça Machel Innovation Awards shed a light on the importance of people power and civil society activism in creating a more just, inclusive and sustainable world. The Awards will recognize seven individuals, groups or organizations that stand out for their innovative work building people power in support of human rights and social justice for everyone. Each winning initiative will receive a US$5 thousand prize. The Awards are open to any individual, organization or group in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Pacific. Deadline to submit the online application form is 20 September 2021. Innovation Awards

International Support Network for African Development — Environmental Education Program

The International Support Network for African Development (ISNAD-Africa) seeks to implement the Environmental Education Program (EEP) to identify environmental challenges in Africa and motivate youth to develop solutions to the identified problems and needs through critical thinking and the application of previously acquired knowledge from subjects in secondary school. The program seeks to provide youth with action competencies that will enable them to develop capacity and long-term commitment to sustainability for everyday life, career engagement or voluntary service as environmentalists or influencers. Each secondary school will be represented by a team of at least five (5) students and a coordinating teacher. ISNAD-Africa will provide technical support, monthly/quarterly meetings, as well as share possible opportunities with the clubs. Up to US$500 funding for the implementation of your project idea for all selected teams. Deadline for applications is 15 October 2021. Details here

European Union — Youth Awards for Climate Storytelling

The EU GCCA+ Youth Awards support young journalists, writers and photographers to tell powerful climate stories around the world. Individuals between 18 and 30 years can participate with a video or a story with photos about climate change cooperation, preferably related to an EU-funded project in their country. Five award winners will be able to participate in a 6 weeks masterclass with leading climate reporters and activists. The deadline for registration and submission is 22 September 2021. Award for Climate Storytelling

Ashoka — ChangemakerXchange for Social Innovators in Europe

The ChangemakerXchange summit and accelerator program for ‘Empathy Changemakers’ for young social innovators aims to develop social-emotional competencies in children and youth to unleash their full potential to take responsibility for themselves, others and the planet. The aim of the summit is to build a cross-sectoral network of changemakers that work together to address societal issues in a collaborative manner. Eligibility extends to participants who lead, co-lead, have founded, or have co-founded an ongoing social venture that addresses a relevant social problem, including in the theme of Environment (among others). Applicants must come from Europe and be aged 18 – 35. ChangemakerXchange will cover the travel costs and conference costs for the event to be held in Cologne (Germany, October 2021). The application deadline is 15 August 2021. Know more

French Institute of Tunisia — Youth & Environment

The French Institute of Tunisia launches the Youth & Environment program which is intended for local Tunisian associations proposing a concrete and realistic project on the theme of environmental protection. Projects committed to the protection of coastal and maritime areas are eligible. The program will select 18 projects to be implemented over a 2 year period. The winning projects must be carried by young people from 18 to 25 years old. The funding per project averages 30 thousand to 50 thousand dinars. The deadline for applications is 02 September 2021. Details

Mindselo — Young Creators Program 2021

Mindselo is a personal growth platform that seeks to transform ideas into wisdom. The Mindselo Young Creators Program (Creators4Change) aims to bring young visionaries to talk about personal growth to spread great ideas, lively inspiration and effective solutions around the planet to teach people the essential lessons of life that our school and colleges forgot to teach and push humanity forward. Mindselo invites video entries from all around the planet by young creators (aged between 15 to 35) to apply for this impact program. The submission deadline is 15 August 2021. Know more

Pangea — Blue Economy Accelerator

The Blue Economy Accelerator focuses on Blue economy startups from Africa. The program is designed to support women and youth-owned, ocean-based enterprises to sustain business growth through facilitating access to financing, business support, and technology adoption. The program will secure investment from a pre-selected pool of investors focusing on early stage funding of up to US$500 thousand. The application window will close on 29 August 2021. Blue Economy Accelerator

United States Agency for International Development — Digital Storytelling Contest

The Global Leadership and Education Advancing Development (Global LEAD) Initiative invites submissions to the digital storytelling contest to show how youth are using the power of change to make the world a better place. Young changemakers between the ages of 18 and 35 can submit an original, three-minute video or slideshow in Arabic, English, French, or Spanish that tells the story of their youth-led actions to advance their community. Stories must be linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including the key issues: Climate Action and Food Security/Resilience. Voting will open on the platform on July 1 and close on 23 July 2021. Be aware that early submissions have more chances to get more votes. Global LEAD Digital Storytelling Contest

Youth in Agroecology and Business Learning Track Africa — Business Accelerator

The YALTA Business Accelerator calls upon SMEs in Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda to submit their agroecological ideas for a sustainable, healthy and diverse food system. 10 selected participants will benefit from skills training, innovation jams and coaching to improve their ideas and turn them into a plan. Three winners will receive a matching grant of up to US$5 thousand to start implementing their ideas. Eligibility extends to young entrepreneurs in agriculture, food and nutrition who manage a local business. Applications have to be submitted by 30 June 2021. YALTA Business Accelerator

International Secretariat for Water — Global Youth Take Action

Global Youth Take Action invites projects with the objective to support the implementation of youth-led initiatives related to sustainable water resources management and climate change adaptation. The call for projects aims to support initiatives regarding water & health, water & agriculture, water-related risks, and water sharing working towards Sustainable Development Goals. Selected projects will receive financial support up to CA$5 thousand each and technical support. The project must be led and implemented by youth aged between 18 and 35. Projects from low- and middle-income countries, projects targeting indigenous communities, projects led by young women and projects targeting women will be prioritized. The application deadline is 30 June 2021. Global Youth Take Action