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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

EuroScience — European Young Researchers’ Award 2020

The European Young Researchers’ Award (EYRA) aims to inspire early stage researchers in all research areas to incorporate a European dimension and perspective into their research. The 2020 call is open to early-career PhD and post-doctoral researchers from any nationality, who work in a European country. The award consists of a certificate, free participation (including travel) at the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF), and one year free EuroScience membership. The deadline for applications is 31 August 2019. Find more info

Mobilise Action — ITC Biodiversity Conference Grant

Mobilise Action accepts applications for the ITC Conference Grants from early-career investigators and PhD students from cost Inclusiveness Target Countries (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The grants aim to support researchers to participate to the Biodiversity_Next International Conference that takes place in October in The Netherlands. Eligible candidates must be already enrolled at the Conference. The grant will cover expenses of the conference up to €1.4 thousand. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2019. About the grants

European Commission — Cross Border Cooperation Programme for Environment

The EC announces funding for the Cross Border Cooperation Programme for Environment – Albania Kosovo. The objectives of the programme are to strengthen good neighbourly relations and foster environmentally friendly and social inclusive economic development of the bordering regions, through the promotion of their touristic potential and respect of its common cultural and natural heritage. The first lot will be allocated to the development of green economy and circular economy, and the second lot to tackling water pollution and promoting climate change adaptation related to water basins. Eligibility for funding extends to non profit legal organizations from either Albania or Kosovo. The grant requested under this call for proposals must be between €420 thousand  and €840 thousand for Lot 1 and between €600 thousand and €1.2 million for Lot 2. The deadline for submission of full applications is 14 August 2019. Link

European Commission — Efficient Use of Water in the Mediterranean Region

The European Commission seeks demonstration projects that promote the efficient use of water in urban and rural areas. The objective of this call is to identify, test and showcase innovative solutions that have the potential to be scaled up and that lead to the efficient use of water in the Southern Mediterranean region. Grants requested under this call must fall between €500 thousand and €1 million. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations established in the European Union. Applications from eligible partner countries (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, and Tunisia) are welcome. The deadline for applications is 04 June 2019. Find the call

Rockefeller Brothers Foundation — Sustainable Development in China and the Western Balkans

The Foundation’s Sustainable Development program focuses on climate change, rapid loss of biodiversity, and accelerating degradation of Earth’s life support systems. Geographical focus is mainly on the United States, in addition to two “pivotal place” programs in China and the Western Balkans. Grant recipients are a mix of local and international organizations. Grants generally range from US$30 thousand to US$300 thousand — with exceptions — for periods of one to three years. Applicants can contact the Foundation for details. Find out how it works

Climate Tracker — 10-Month Fellowship on Climate Solutions

Climate Tracker, in partnership with the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, seeks five young climate journalists to participate in an online mentorship on climate solutions and journalism. The fellows will receive training on how to write articles on climate change and a monthly stipend of US$150. Applicants that are between 18 and 30 years old and are living in Europe, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, South Asia, or Asia-Pacific are eligible. To participate, applicants have to write, publish, and submit a 500+ words article (in any language) on local solutions and responses to climate change. Articles have to be submitted by 31 March 2019. More information

Belmont Forum — Funding for Arctic Observation and Research

The Belmont Forum’s collaborative research action on Resilience in Rapidly Changing Arctic Systems (CRA Arctic II) is an initiative to monitor and understand the complex changes occurring in the Arctic. This call supports medium-sized research projects with 3 to 4 years duration, with a recommended budget of up to €1.5 million. Participating countries in this Arctic call are Canada, Denmark, France, Japan, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and USA. All proposals must integrate across the natural sciences and social sciences, and they should include participation by three or more of the partner countries. The deadline for proposals is 14 June 2019. Find the call document

Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas Network — Grants for Small Projects on Habitat Mapping

MedPAN launches a new call for small projects to support Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Mediterranean. Small grants are available for habitat mapping in 4 sub-regions: Alboran Sea, Straight of Sicily/Tunisia, South of the Adriatic Sea/North of the Ionian Sea and Central Aegean Sea/Cyprus Basin. Applicants may request up to €20 for projects with a duration of max. 7 months. The applicant can be a non-profit organization, a private company, or a scientific institution. The deadline for applications is 18 March 2019. About

European Commission — Agriculture and Rural Development Kosovo

The European Commission seeks project proposals to support Kosovo’s farmers and agri-rural economic operators to build the capacities that they need in order to become more competitive on the market. All actions under this call shall address the challenges of climate change and promote gender equality. Grant size under this call varies between €100 thousand and €400 thousand. Eligibility extends to individual farmers, a group of farmers/producers or agri-businesses from Kosovo. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 14 April 2019. The call

Ashoka — ChangemakerXchange for Social Innovators in Europe & MENA

The ChangemakerXchange Summit in Spain will bring together 25 top young changemakers across civil society, media, the corporate sector, government, and more. The aim of the summit is to build a cross-sectoral network of changemakers that work together to address societal issues in a collaborative manner. Eligibility extends to participants who lead, co-lead, have founded, or have co-founded an ongoing social venture that addresses a relevant social problem, including in the theme of Environment (among others). Applicants should be based in Europe (including Turkey, European Russia and Southern Caucasus, Armenia, Georgia & Azerbaijan) or the MENA region (including Maghreb, North Africa, Middle East). ChangemakerXchange will cover the travel costs and conference costs for the event to be held in Barcelona (Spain) in May/June 2019. The application deadline is 17 February 2019. Here