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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

European Energy Community — Summer School 2017

The Energy Community aims to extend the EU internal energy market to South East Europe and beyond. The Secretariat of the Energy Community announces the 2nd Energy Community Summer School that will take place in FYR of Macedonia in August-September 2017. The Secretariat welcomes applications from postgraduate students, researchers in energy-related disciplines, and young professionals from government institutions, companies, think tanks, and NGOs in the region of the Energy Community. The non-EU members of the Energy Community include Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine, and Turkey. Participation is free, including tuition and accommodation costs. However, travel costs are borne by the participants. The application deadline is 31 March 2017. Link

European Commission — Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum announces its 3rd call for proposals. Projects should focus on advancing reforms in the Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine), with the aim of taking  a regional perspective. Among five working groups, WG3 has the theme of environment, climate change, and energy security. Grants will range from €10 thousand to €25 thousand.  Applications should include at least three Partnership countries. The application deadline is 29 January 2017. Link

European Commission — Capacity to Address Extraordinary Disasters

The EC’s Directorate for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection calls for projects which address temporary shortcomings of response capacities in extraordinary disasters. The objective is to establish “buffer capacities” to add stand-by availability of rapid response capacities. Included are responses to disasters caused by flooding and forest fires. In addition to EU member states, eligibility to participate extends to Iceland, Macedonia, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, and Turkey. The deadline for submitting proposals is 06 February 2017. Link

Inter-Research Science Center — Prizes and Fellowships 2017

The International Ecology Institute in Germany annually selects top performers worldwide in the field of ecology for the Ecology Institute Prize and the IRPE Prize. The winner of the Ecology Institute Prize will be awarded €6 thousand; the winner of the IRPE Prize will receive €3 thousand. Nominations are invited from research ecologists worldwide. The closing date for nominations is 30 April 2017.  Additionally, the Center calls for nominations for the Otto Kinne Foundation Fellowship, with deadline on 31 October 2017. Link

Monsanto Fund — Grants to Strengthen Farming Communities 2017

The Monsanto Fund makes grants to strengthen agricultural communities in several countries around the world. Grants of US$25 thousand and more are available to tax-exempt charitable organizations for activities and projects that address farmers’ education and training; food security; community water and sanitation; and other local needs. Monsanto’s international grants are administered at the country level. The Fund presents a list of eligible countries. Monsanto accepts international applications during two periods each year. The first period ranges from 01 January through 28 February. The second period ranges from 01 July through 31 August. Link

BRICS Scientific, Technological, and Innovation Framework Programme — Pilot Call for Proposals 2016

The BRICS Scientific, Technological and Innovation Framework Programme announces a call for research proposals on priority areas which can best be addressed by a multinational approach. The multiple themes include water resources and pollution treatment; promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency; and prevention and monitoring of natural disasters. The framework program is supported by funding organizations in Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Proposals should include collaborators from at least three countries. The deadline for applications is 25 August 2016. Link

British Council — Workshop Grants for Researchers

The Researcher Links Workshops bring together early-career researchers from the UK and partner countries to allow them to make international connections that can improve the quality of their research. The current call is for bilateral workshops of 3-5 days between the UK and Russia. Proposals must be joint applications, with one coordinator based at a UK institution and one based in Russia. The application deadline is 19 September 2016. Link

U.S. Department of State — Fulbright/Clinton Fellowship 2017-2018

The J. William Fulbright-Hillary Rodham Clinton (Fulbright-Clinton) Fellowship is a component of the Fulbright U.S. Student Program. The fellowships provide professional experience and research opportunities in public policy areas that include agriculture, energy, environment, and others. Host countries in 2017-2018 are the African Union, Burma (Myanmar), Chile, Cote d’Ivoire, Guatemala, Kosovo, Malawi, Nepal, Peru, Samoa, Timor-Leste, and Ukraine. Eligibility for the fellowships is limited to U.S. citizens. The application deadline is 11 October 2016. Link

European Maritime and Fisheries Fund — International Cooperation for Blue Economy

The EC’s Maritime and Fisheries Fund will support trans-national regional collaboration to improve the blue economy in sea basins important to Europe, i.e., the Atlantic, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean, and North Sea. Each consortium should focus on a specific blue-growth technology or value chain. Examples include biotechnology, aquaculture, coastal and marine tourism, tidal or offshore wind energy, and others. Each consortia will develop a strategic investment plan as well as bankable demonstration projects. Applicants established in certain non-EU countries (defined in the announcement) are eligible to participate in Blue Economy if they are necessary to achieve the objectives of the action. The deadline for proposals is 30 September 2016. Link