The Yannis Behrakis Photojournalism Grants program offers ten grants of US$8 thousand for photojournalists and students to produce a photo project and develop their visual storytelling skills. The project can be a work-in-progress or a new idea across multiple themes, including environmental justice, climate change, and many others. Applicants must be between the ages of 18-35. The application deadline is 31 December 2019. Find out more
Kinship Foundation — Conservation Workshop
The Kinship Foundation invites participants to the Kinship Conservation Workshop in India. During the workshop, participants will learn how economic tools can be applied to enhance community-based conservation projects, study the successes and failures of incentive-based conservation in India, as well as globally, and be introduced to alternative pathways to achieve conservation impact. Applicants should be mid-career conservation practitioners from India with at least three years of field experience in natural resources management. Kinship Foundation will cover all workshop expenses, including lodging, food, classroom materials and field trips. Participants must arrange and pay for their transportation expenses to/from Bangalore. The application deadline is 09 December 2019. Kinship Conservation Workshop India
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) — Water and Energy for Food
The Water and Energy for Food challenge fund is a partnership between the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Sweden through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The program objectives are to expand the scale of innovations that impact the sectors food and water, food and energy or all three sectors of the nexus, to increase the sustainability of agricultural food value chains, improving energy and water efficiency, and to improve climate resilient agriculture in developing countries and emerging markets in accordance with the SDGs, with a particular focus on the poor and women. The two focus geographical areas are the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and South/Southeast Asia. Award size is of a maximum of US$15 million. The closing deadline for applications is 09 December 2019. Link
Overseas Development Institute — Fellowships 2020-22
The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) is an independent think tank on international development and humanitarian issues. The ODI Fellowship Scheme appoints highly qualified postgraduate economists and statisticians through a competitive selection process. The fellowship scheme is open to candidates of all nationalities who have a master’s degree or PhD in economics, statistics or a related field. Suitable specialised qualifications at postgraduate level include agricultural economics, environmental economics, water and climate, among others. The total support per fellow amounts to approximately £21 thousand in the first year of the fellowship and £23 thousand in the second year. The deadline for applications is 11 December 2019. About the Fellowship Scheme
EarthCorps — Crew Member International Program 2020
EarthCorps invites applications from emerging environmental leaders around the world to participate in an environmental training program in the USA. Participants from the USA and other countries take part in field projects such as invasive plant removal and control, native plant installation (planting), restoration site maintenance, trail construction/maintenance, volunteer management, and erosion control. The Crew Member Program is a 6-month learning experience for non-U.S. citizens, which takes place in Seattle, Washington, USA. Applicants should be 18-28 years of age, with a university degree in an environmental field (or equivalent work experience), and speak conversational English. International participants receive a living stipend, health insurance, and accommodation with host families. Priority consideration will be given to applications received by 31 December 2019. More about Crew Member
COLEACP — Strengthening Sanitary and Phytosanitary Systems of the ACP Horticultural Sector
COLEACP is a non-profit association whose main purpose is to support the development of sustainable and competitive agriculture and agribusiness in the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries. COLEACP seeks expressions of interest for “Analytical and technical information support services in crop production and crop protection to facilitate compliance of the ACP horticultural industry with the requirements of domestic and international markets.” The selected applicant will be required to cover laboratory and analytical support, and the provision of technical information and advice in crop production and crop protection in ACP horticulture. The maximum value for this service is €600 thousand. The deadline to submit Expressions of Interest is 02 December 2019. Find the call for EOIs
The British Academy — Youth Participation in Global Sustainable Development Challenges
The British Academy program Youth Futures, funded through the Global Challenges Research Fund, will support youth-led research directly and primarily relevant to the problems of developing countries. Projects must aim to support the economic development and welfare of countries on the OECD DAC list. Projects must be 21 months in duration, with a maximum value of £300 thousand. Principal Investigators must be based in the UK, however, international collaboration is strongly expected. The deadline for submissions is 04 December 2019. Click here
U.S. African Development Foundation — Off-Grid Energy Challenge
USADF and Nithio request proposals for the USADF-Nithio Off-Grid Energy Challenge. Proposals are invited from Kenyan off-grid solar operators. Approximately two to five awards are anticipated. Selected enterprises will receive funding in the form of a combination of loan and grant funds, in the amount of between US$400 thousand and US$1 million. Applications have to be submitted by 02 December 2019. More
Interreg Baltic Sea Region — Seed Money Call
Interreg Baltic Sea Region provides seed money to support the preparation of projects in line with the Action Plan of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR). The Programme area covers eight EU Member States (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, parts of Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden) and two partner countries (Norway and parts of Russia). Seed money applications can be submitted by national, regional or local authorities. The total budget of a seed money project is €50 thousand. Draft applications have to be submitted by 09 December 2019. Find details
ENEA Consulting — Support for Energy Initiatives in Africa and Asia
ENEA Access offers 50 to 60 days of professional consulting services on a pro-bono basis. The Energy Access Booster is open to entrepreneurs based in Sub-Saharan Africa or Asia. Activities that can be considered for ENEA’s support include feasibility studies, market and business models, implementation of pilot projects, and others. Selected entrepreneurs receive a financial contribution of up to US$ 50 thousand. Projects must clearly contribute to the reduction of poverty and/or climate change as a result of improved access to energy. There are no restrictions regarding the home country of the applying organization. The closing date is 13 December 2019. Click here