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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

National Geographic Society — Science Communication

The National Geographic Society seeks proposals addressing environmental issues by communicating science. The NGS seeks proposals from around the world that advance the science of nature communication by systematically testing visual communication and education methods. The call is intended for visual artists, photographers, and videographers who aim to more effectively create and use images or video to overcome apathy towards species and ecosystems. Typical proposal requests should be less than US$30 thousand, but applicants may request up to US$50 thousand. The deadline for applications is 03 October 2018. Making a Case for Nature

National Geographic Society — Participatory Science

The National Geographic Society seeks proposals from around the world that will engage students and other citizen scientists in activities to address real world problems and lead to actions in science and conservation. Applicants should design and/or implement tools that support citizen science work, particularly data collection or data analysis. Typical proposal requests should be less than US$30 thousand, but applicants may request up to US$50 thousand. The deadline for applications is 03 October 2018. About this RFP

United States Agency for International Development — Improved Nutrition in Tanzania

USAID/Tanzania seeks applications for the program “Tanzania Improved Nutrition for Better Life”. The purpose of the program is to intensify and integrate nutrition support to targeted regions to improve the nutritional status of women, adolescents, and children in Tanzania. USAID intends to provide between US$15 – $19.7 million in total funding over a four year period for the achievement of the goals outlined in the call for proposals. Eligibility extends to U.S. and Non-U.S. organizations. Individuals are not eligible to apply under this call. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 19 July 2018. Find the call

United States Agency for International Development — Protecting Amazonia

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks applications for a cooperative agreement under the SERVIR Amazonia program. The program aims to help developing nations achieve more sustainable economic growth and improve environmental management, including addressing the impacts of climate change. USAID intends to provide from US$8.0 to US$9.0 million in total funding over a five-year period. Eligibility extends to established U.S. and non-U.S. organizations. Closing date for applications is 14 August 2018. See the call

Leatherman Tool Group — Grants for Innovation

The Leatherman Grant program awards US$100 thousand to non-profit organizations around the world who are paving the way for change through innovative ideas. This may also include solutions or tools in the category of agriculture, energy, water, and/or cross-cutting subjects. Applications will be accepted until 31 August 2018. Link

Columbus Zoo and Aquarium — Conservation Grants 2018

The Columbus Zoo makes conservation grants for research, local community involvement, capacity building, environmental education, and behavior change leading to improved conservation of wildlife and habitat. Grant requests may range from US$1 thousand to US$25 thousand, but grants are limited to US$5 thousand for first-time applicants. First-time applicants must submit a pre-proposal. Grants are awarded on a quarterly basis. The next proposal review is mid-September 2018. Application and Guidelines

Zoos Victoria — Grants for International Conservation 2018-2019

Zoos Victoria (Australia) helps build international conservation partnerships. The International Grants program is themed ‘Wildlife Conservation through Community Engagement’, recognising the importance of engaging people in protecting wildlife, while supporting sustainable development. Eligibility extends to any organization or group that is able to undertake projects in this theme. Grants are up to AUD 20 thousand for projects of one year. The application deadline is 30 September 2018. Find the application process

Interchurch Organization for Development Cooperation — Grassroots Agriculture, Climate Change, and Natural Resources

ICCO works towards a world in which people can live in dignity and well-being without poverty and injustice. It supports projects in agricultural markets; food security and water; prevention and adaptation to climate change; access to land and forests for minorities; and prevention of natural disasters. Most programs and projects are managed from ICCO’s country offices, each of which defines specific focus areas. Civil society organizations that want to inquire about partnering with ICCO should make contact at the country level. Link

SEED — SAG-Seed Replicator Workshops for Eco-Enterprises in Zambia

SEED is a global partnership founded by UNEP, UNDP, and IUCN to promote eco-enterprises. The program announces its next replicator workshop in Zambia. The replicator workshop of one day introduce motivated individuals to proven business models from various countries. Participants will learn how to adapt them to your individual local context to solve environmental, social and economic challenges. Focus areas are manufacturing, waste management and agriculture. Future entrepreneurs, business owners and NGOs are welcome to apply. The participation in the workshop is free of charge, participants must cover their own transport costs however. The application deadline is 22 July 2018. Info

African Women’s Development Fund — Empowering African Women

The African Women’s Development Fund supports organizations working towards the empowerment of African women and the achievement of gender equality on the continent. To increase income opportunities for women, projects can work with smallholder women farmers, and address issues of climate change and food security. Applicant organizations must have at least three years of experience, be led by a woman, and have a focus on women’s rights. Grants range from US$20 thousand to US$500 thousand for up to two years. AWDF accepts applications from women’s rights organisations in Africa and the Middle East. Applications are due 24 July 2018. More