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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Atlas Corps — Fellowship Program for NGO Leaders

Atlas Corps seeks NGO leaders from around the world to apply for a 12-18 month fellowship program. Fellows serve at Host Organizations working on issues that complement their expertise (including: conservation, wildlife, sustainable development, and many others). Applicants must be aged 22-35 and must have 2-10 years of relevant experience in the nonprofit/social sector. The fellowship provides a small living stipend to cover basic expenses (food, local transportation, and shared housing), international flight, and health insurance. Candidates should apply by 30 July 2023. About the Atlas Corps Fellowship

Global Water Partnership-Caribbean — Water and Wastewater Management

Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) supports the implementation of short-term, small-scale, innovative demonstration Integrated Water and Wastewater Management (IWWM) projects in the Caribbean. Each project for rural community-based interventions for wastewater management must have a total cost of no more than US$20 thousand with a duration no longer than six months. Interested organizations registered in the following countries: Jamaica, Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Guyana, Grenada, Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, Saint Lucia, Belize, Suriname, St. Kitts and Nevis and Dominica are eligible to submit a concept note. Applications have to be submitted by 30 July 2023. Link

Embassy of France to the Philippines — Support for local NGOs

The Embassy of France supports local organizations and calls for the submission of project proposals. The project can be related to environmental issues or other issues, as long as they benefit disadvantaged communities or social groups. This year, two grants of PHP300 thousand and PHP100 thousand will be awarded. Eligibility extends to locally recognized organizations, associated with the activities collectively implemented by the network of Franco-Philippine’s associations. The application deadline is 31 July 2023. About

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations — Online Course on Forest and Landscape Restoration

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) announces a call for applications for young professionals (under 35 years old) living in Asia for an online course on forest and landscape restoration. The online course includes teaching materials, access to expert commentary and guided exercises to support the development of ecologically, socially and economically realistic restoration plans. Applications have to be submitted before 16 July 2023. More about the Online Course

Climate Investment Funds — Youth Fellowship

The Climate Investment Funds (CIF) supports young climate professionals with a career-focused fellowship program. The CIF Youth Fellowship is a professional capacity-building program focused on providing hands-on experience to young leaders in global climate action. CIF Youth Fellows will work with Multilateral Development Banks on real-world projects in areas related to nature-based solutions, clean energy, adaptation and climate resilience, energy access, and gender and social inclusion. Candidates must be between 18-28 years and reside in Egypt, Tunisia, Kenya, India, Jamaica, or Thailand. The application deadline is 07 July 2023. CIF Youth Fellowship

U.S. Department of State — Climate Solutions and Sustainable Entrepreneurship

The U.S. Department of State announces an open competition for organizations to submit a statement of interest to carry out a program to expand the Department’s response to the climate crisis. The overall goal is to create local communities of entrepreneurs that are more market-savvy and better able to generate climate solutions. Awards range from US$50 thousand to US$260 thousand. Eligibility extends to U.S. and foreign non-profit organizations; institutions of higher education; and businesses. The closing date for applications is 14 July 2023. Link

CEZ Group — Lead 2030 Challenge for SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy)

The Lead 2030 Challenge for SDG 7 aims to identify and support youth-led enterprises that are tackling the energy divide in the worst affected countries and regions. The challenge welcomes innovations for addressing energy needs, for example, providing affordable energy to communities with limited access or clean alternative cooking fuels. The winner will receive a US$50 thousand project grant and 12 months of mentorship from a team of CEZ Group professionals. The initiative must be youth-led (founded by a person aged 18 – 30). The application deadline is 14 July 2023. About the SDG 7 challenge

Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation — Youth Actions Challenge

The 1 Million Youth Actions Challenge supports youth-led initiatives related to clean water and sanitation, responsible consumption and production, climate action & biodiversity. Youth between 15 and 24 years from all around the world are invited to submit their solutions and projects. Selected projects will receive financial support up to C$5 thousand each and technical support. The call is open until 16 July 2023. Youth Actions Challenge

International Union of Forest Research Organizations — Grants for Female Early-Career Scientist

The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) offers a limited number of grants of up to €5 thousand for short scientific visits for female early-career scientists affiliated with IUFRO organizations to visit a forest research organization overseas. The specific duration of the scientific visits will be dependent on the complexity of the proposed projects. Potential applicants are required to contact the potential host organization prior to applying for a grant. Together they shall develop a project proposal and work plan. The application deadline is 31 July 2023. Link

International Water Resources Association — Publication Mentorship Initiative

The International Water Resources Association (IWRA) invites early-career water professionals to submit applications for the Publication Mentorship Initiative. The program aims to facilitate and encourage mentoring junior water professionals through the development of articles that are publishable in academic journals. Applicants must be academics, advanced post-graduate students, or professionals working in the water sector no older than 35 years. Applications must be submitted no later than 31 July 2023. Publication Mentorship Initiative