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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

European Investment Bank Institute — Social Innovation Tournament

The Social Innovation Tournament recognizes and supports the best European social entrepreneurs with projects focusing on the environment (with a special emphasis on biodiversity and ecosystem conservation). Prizes range from €10 thousand to €75 thousand. In 2023, the Special Category prizes will go to projects focusing on sustainable cities and communities. Finalists participate in a training program and benefit from grants programs, participation in conferences around Europe and access to a network of investors. The tournament is open to social enterprises, private sector companies, NGOs, government bodies and universities. The deadline for proposal submission is 23 February 2023. Participate

United Nations — World Wildlife Day Film Showcase

The United Nations World Wildlife Day organizes a youth art contest along the theme of “Partnerships for Wildlife Conservation”. Organizers seek art that highlights people making a difference for wildlife. The contest is open to artists from the ages of 4 to 18, entrants will choose a species that has benefited from conservation, and then illustrate it as an individual animal or in its native habitat. Artists must submit their artwork by 06 February 2023. World Wildlife Day Youth Art Contest

India Department of Science and Technology — Science Collaboration, India with ASEAN

The ASEAN-India Science and Technology Development Fund supports projects of 2-3 years between research institutions in India and collaborating institutions in the ASEAN countries. Areas of focus include environmental management, climate change adaptation and mitigation, agricultural technologies, alternative energy, biodiversity, and several others. The funds support mobility of researchers from India to partnering ASEAN institutions and vice versa, as well as some supplementary expenditures. Applications must be prepared jointly by the Indian and ASEAN partner scientists, and must be submitted to India’s DST and the ASEAN Secretariat simultaneously. The completed joint applications can be submitted during any time of the year. Link

InfoNile — Editors’ Biodiversity Program

InfoNile invites applications from editors from Uganda for an editors’ biodiversity training program. In addition to training with biodiversity and journalism experts, the program will incorporate field visits to conservation projects and natural sites. The workshop will have a focus on reporting on wildlife trafficking and poaching. After the training, editors will pair up with reporters in their media houses to report an in-depth story on biodiversity and/or wildlife trafficking to be published in their media houses, supported by small story grants. Applications are open until 06 January 2023. Link

Earth Journalism Network — Scholarships to Cover Biodiversity Conferences

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) provides travel grants to journalists interested in attending and reporting from conferences and global summits related to biodiversity issues. To be eligible for the scholarship, the applicant must be a professional journalist from or representing an established media house and reporting from a low- or middle-income country. EJN expects to award scholarships of up to US$2,500 each. Applications for conference scholarships will be accepted until 06 January 2023. More here

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Biodiversity Conservation in the Mountains of Central Asia

The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) invites applications for small grants to promote biodiversity conservation in the Mountains of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan). Small grants are a maximum of US$20 thousand. Project proposals should be built on biodiversity conservation as a fundamental component. The call is open to NGOs, community groups, cultural organizations, women’s groups, private companies and civil society organizations. International organizations are encouraged to involve local organizations or communities as project partners. Expressions of interest have to be submitted by 10 January 2023. Small Grants

Awesome Foundation — Micro-Grants to Projects Worldwide

Each month, the Awesome Foundation makes a micro-grant of US$1,000 to an organization or project worldwide. Projects include initiatives in a wide range of areas including arts, technology, community development, and more. Anyone is eligible for a grant, including individuals, groups, and organizations. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Find out more

Morris Animal Foundation — Kelp Forest Ecosystems Program

The Morris Animal Foundation announces a new funding opportunity for conservationists interested in applying genetic insight to the protection and management of kelp ecosystems. The Foundation is accepting Wild Genomes proposals focused on species that live within kelp forests. Applications for the Kelp Forest Ecosystems Program are due 16 December 2022. Details

Nordic Environment Finance Corporation — Baltic Sea Action Plan Fund

The Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) announces the applications for Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) Fund. The Baltic Sea Action Plan Fund supports projects that will benefit the ecological well being of the Baltic Sea. The fund finances new initiatives and support activities across the Baltic Sea region including Estonia, Finland, Russia, Sweden, and Belarus. Selected proposals may receive grant financing from €30 thousand to €200 thousand, subject to certain co-financing requirements. Deadline for submitting the proposals is 06 February 2023. BSAP Fund

WeObserve — Citizen Science Projects Online Course

WeObserve, funded by Horizon 2020, invites applications to the online course titled Citizen Science Projects: How to make a difference. The course covers many topics related to citizen science including the type of citizen science projects available around the world and how to get involved. You’ll find out how to lead a citizen science project. The course is open to anyone, free to do, and accepts applications on a continuous basis with no deadlines. Find out more