The Wellcome Trust supports bold and creative discovery research that has the potential to improve human life, health and wellbeing. The Early-Career Awards provide funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity through innovative projects. Research can be in any discipline, including STEM, experimental medicine, or climate – as long as it has the potential to improve human life. The Trust covers the researcher’s salary and up to £400 thousand for research expenses. The applicant’s host organization has to be based in the UK, Republic of Ireland, a low- or middle-income country (apart from India and mainland China). Deadline for new applications is 21 February 2023. Early-Career Research Awards
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Earth Journalism Network — Media Workshop: Indigenous Environmental Reporting
The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) invites Indigenous journalists from around the world to apply for a two-day media workshop (Kenya, February 2023). The workshop will explain the importance of Indigenous environmental reporting and build valuable journalistic skills to help participants strengthen their reporting and storytelling skills. The workshop is open to Indigenous journalists from any country interested in covering Indigenous environmental issues. EJN will bear the travel, accommodation, and meal costs of selected participants. The application deadline is 26 October 2022. Media Workshop
International Water Resources Association — World Water Envoys
The International Water Resources Association (IWRA) invites applications for the World Water Envoys Program. Water Envoys will have the opportunity to participate in the 18th edition of the IWRA World Water Congress (China, September 2023) to discuss water issues and potential solutions. Envoys will be funded to come to Beijing, including economy round-trip, accommodation, full registration to the Congress, and one-year free membership to IWRA. Young people aged 18-35 from across the globe who are passionate about water resource management are invited to apply. The application deadline is 31 October 2022. World Water Envoys Program
German Government — International Climate Initiative Medium Grants
Germany’s International Climate Initiative (IKI) supports projects on climate change mitigation and adaptation, and biodiversity projects that have climate relevance. The focus of the IKI Medium Grants scheme is to provide support to the implementation of projects addressing the global loss of biodiversity in connection with climate change. Each project can receive a grant of between €300 thousand to a maximum of €800 thousand over a period of two to three years. Funding is available for non-profit organizations (associations, foundations, think tanks) and academic institutions (universities and research institutions), as well as non-profit companies in Germany. Projects have to be implemented in collaboration with local implementing organizations in ODA countries. Project outlines can be submitted by 13 December 2022. Climate Initiative Medium Grants
InsuResilience Solutions Fund — Agricultural Insurance Projects
The InsuResilience Solutions Fund (ISF) seeks projects with a holistic approach on disaster relief and preparedness. The Fund will support the development of new climate risk insurance products or the scaling-up of already existing products with the aim to increase the resilience of poor and vulnerable people in developing countries to climate change. ISF provides grant-based co-funding of up to €2.5 million, but requires matching the grant funding (in-kind and/or as a financial contribution). Eligibility extends to private and public organizations located in Asia and the Pacific, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. The application deadline is 20 January 2023. Know more
King Baudouin Foundation — Enterprises for SDGs
The Business Partnership Facility (BPF) awards subsidies to support and develop private sector involvement in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in developing countries. Projects submitted under this call must contribute to achieving at least one clearly identified SDG. The BPF provides non-refundable grants between €50 thousand and €200 thousand that represent a maximum 50% of the total investment. Eligible countries include several from Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa (full list of eligible countries is provided in the call). Partnerships must comprise actors from the private sector, civil society, academia and/or the public sector, with at least one organization from the for-profit private sector. The application deadline is 31 January 2023. Business Partnership Facility
Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs — DRIVE Infrastructure Projects
The Development Related Infrastructure Investment Vehicle (DRIVE) is a program of Dutch support for infrastructural projects in the areas of water; climate; food security; and sexual and reproductive health and rights. The program offers funding support to entrepreneurs worldwide for construction projects in the eligible DRIVE subject areas and countries. Funding ranges from €5 million to €60 million. Applications are accepted and reviewed on a continuous basis. Link
UNESCO — Green and Accessible Cities
UNESCO and partners invite participants to contribute their ideas on how to make cities more accessible and sustainable through innovative environmental friendly approaches. Participants are invited to carry out urban design projects or conduct research studies and submit original papers. The competition is open to university students worldwide. Winners will receive prices. The deadline for registration is 31 October 2022. Click here
HCL Group — Global Freshwater Innovation Challenge
The Global Freshwater Innovation Challenge seeks innovative solutions to conserve and restore freshwater ecosystems. HCL has committed $15 million over five years to support water focused entrepreneurs. The first year’s challenge will focus on water quality restoration and ecosystem resilience. Eligibility extends to impact-oriented start-ups with pilot projects, social enterprises with sustainable business models, and businesses ready to scale. The last date to apply is 08 November 2022. Find information about the challenge
Trust for Sustainable Living — Schools Sustainability Challenge
The Trust for Sustainable Living (TSL) Schools Sustainability Challenge is a video contest for schools around the world. Schools are invited to create a short video (max. 1 minute) showcasing their best messages on ‘My Local Sustainability Challenges’. Schools have to register a Teacher Champion to participate. The deadline for video entries is 16 November 2022. Sustainability Challenge Video Competition