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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Category: Biodiversity, Conservation, Wildlife

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) announces a new fellowship for journalists interested in attending and reporting from the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (October/November 2024). Fellows will travel to Cali to attend the entire duration of the UN biodiversity negotiations and receive non-refundable economy-class airfare, accommodation, meals, travel medical insurance, and ground transportation costs related to fellowship participation. To be eligible for the fellowship, the applicant must be a professional journalist from an established media house and reporting from a low- or middle-income country. The application deadline is 06 July 2024. Fellowships for Journalists

The Manomet small grants program seeks to promote the conservation of shorebird species and populations breeding in Latin America and the Caribbean and build the capacity of early-career conservationists and researchers in the Neotropics. Grants of US$3,000 are available. Awards are only available to projects carried out by nationals and/or residents of countries and territories in Central and South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Projects should be developed in close collaboration with a local conservation agency, research institution, or non-governmental organization. The deadline for applications is 15 July 2024. Manomet Small Grants

The Bezos Earth Fund seeks new ideas for multiplying the impact of climate and nature efforts using modern AI. The first round of awards will focus on sustainable proteins, power grid optimization, biodiversity conservation, and embracing visionary wildcard solutions for climate and nature. The Grand Challenge will offer up to US$100 million in total funding over three rounds. Up to 30 seed grantees will receive US$50 thousand each. At the end of the challenge, up to 15 implementation grantees will receive up to $2 million each. The Grand Challenge invites grant proposals from U.S.-based non-profit and global academic institutions. The application deadline is 30 July 2024. Bezos Earth Fund

The Future for Nature Award aims to stimulate a new generation of nature conservation leaders. The award is made to candidates of any nationality or residence, not older than age 35, who have achieved substantial and long-term benefit to the conservation status of one or more animal and/or plant species, or that of a specific population. Work-related to the conservation and protection of endangered species is a priority. The award is made to individuals, not organizations. Each of the three award winners will be given a cash prize and a sculpture. The winners are expected to invest their prize of €50 thousand in a conservation project of their own choice. The application deadline is 23 August 2024. Future for Nature Award

The Weeden Foundation makes grants for biodiversity conservation in forest ecosystems, riparian corridors, and riverine and aquatic environments of ecological importance. Weeden’s international priorities are the Patagonia region of Chile and the Altai Republic of Russia. The average grant size is between US$15 and US$20 thousand. The Foundation requests letters of inquiry (LOI) at least one month before proposal deadlines. The next deadline for applications (English, Spanish) is 30 August 2024. Know more

The European Commission launches a call for proposals for EU action grants in the fields of Environment under the Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE). The program supports demonstration, best practices, coordination and support actions, capacity building, and governance projects. The LIFE programs aim to facilitate the shift towards a sustainable, renewable energy-based economy; protect, restore, and improve the quality of the environment; halt and reverse biodiversity loss; and tackle the degradation of ecosystems. The project requested grant amount is not more than €60 thousand. In order to be eligible, the applicant must be a legal public or private entity, and be established in an EU Member State or a country associated with the LIFE Program. The deadline for applications is 19 September 2024. About LIFE

The Trust for Mutual Understanding (TMU) makes grants to nonprofit organizations in the USA for environmental projects in collaboration with partners in the following countries:  Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. TMU supports professional exchanges and capacity building, together with jointly managed research and field projects. To be able to submit a full proposal, applicants must submit an initial inquiry. Application deadlines for initial inquiries are 01 November 2024 and 01 May 2025. Find out more

The Ornithological Society of the Middle East (OSME) makes grants to support bird research in the Middle East, Caucasus, and Central Asia. The Trevor Poyser Species Conservation Fund supports research projects that lead to clear conservation benefits for a globally threatened species that occurs within the OSME region. One grant of £5 thousand is available. The application deadline is 01 December 2024. Know more

The Royal Society of Biology invites amateurs to submit photographs that explore the profound changes occurring across the planet, highlighting the resilience and adaptability of life in response to environmental changes, human intervention, and scientific innovation. The winners receive cash prizes of up to £1,000. This competition is open to amateur photographers both in and outside of the UK. The deadline to submit photographs is 20 June 2024. Photography Competition

The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) invites nominations for the Abdool Karim Prize in Biological Sciences. The prize aims to recognize scientists for their achievements in Biological Sciences. Eligible nominees are female scientists national of a low-income African country. The prize is a US$5 thousand cash award. Nominations should be submitted electronically before 30 June 2024. Award in Biological Sciences