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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia — Smarter Climate Farmers Challenge

The Smarter Climate Farmers Challenge calls for innovations that show the ability of farmers and people working within land and food systems to use climate-smart agriculture approaches. Submissions from across the globe that are scalable in their local contexts and potentially replicable are eligible. Start-ups, social enterprises, small and mid-sized enterprises, and non-profit organizations with a clearly defined, income-generating project may apply. The application deadline is 10 August 2023. Smarter Climate Farmers Challenge

Faith For Our Planet — Youth Climate Fellowship

Faith For Our Planet, in collaboration with Duke University, launches a program for climate conscious youth leaders from around the world. The program targets religious leaders, climate activists and early-career professionals in faith-based organizations who wish to mobilize faith communities to combat climate change. Participants will have the opportunity to expand their networks and develop their skills to deliver an impactful faith-based climate action project. All travel, visa, accommodation, and subsistence costs will be provided by Faith For Our Planet. The application deadline is 10 August 2023. Know more

United Nations Development Programme — Conscious Food Systems Alliance

The Conscious Food Systems Alliance (CoFSA) supports people from across food and agriculture systems to cultivate the inner capacities that activate systemic change and regeneration. The Alliance seeks projects to test and demonstrate how consciousness approaches can strengthen inner capacities that in turn help accelerate the transformation of food systems, and to generate a set of learnings and learning resources. UNDP will fund approximately four pilot interventions of up to US$20 thousand. Proposals can be submitted by applicants in any location. Individuals are not eligible. The application deadline is 18 August 2023. Link to CoFSA

United Nations Development Programme — Scaling up Climate Ambition on Land Use and Agriculture

The SCALA Private Sector Engagement Facility seeks to identify private sector-oriented interventions to engage businesses in implementing climate plans to mobilize resources and develop innovative climate services solutions. The call for interest to receive support from the SCALA PSE Facility is open to Small Island Developing States and middle-income countries. Each country is eligible for a total budget of US$50 thousand. One proposal is allowed per country. The deadline to submit expressions of interest is 19 August 2023. SCALA

United States Agency for International Development — Local Food Systems Kenya

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) intends to support creative approaches towards implementation of the program with the aim to strengthen the capacity of households, communities, conservancies, county governments, and the private sector to contribute to the development of sustainable local food systems. USAID intends to fund one award of US$49 million in total funding over a five year period. Eligible organizations include U.S. and non-U.S. non-profit organizations and for-profit organizations willing to forego profit. The closing date for applications is 21 August 2023. Link

SEED — Replicator Workshop for Eco-Enterprises

The SEED Replicator program offers incubation workshops to identify opportunities for enterprise creation and to guide aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners looking for partnerships to build an eco-inclusive business model. Successful alumni can apply for a SEED Grant which pays for your immediate necessary activities, measures or machinery required to establish the new enterprise. SEED Replicator Program currently invites applications from entrepreneurs in Indonesia. Participation is free, although participants need to cover their transportation costs and accommodation. The application deadline is 23 August 2023. SEED Replicator Program

United Nations Development Programme — Accelerated Blue Economy

The Ocean Innovation Challenge (OIC) seeks proposals that will stimulate socio-economic growth while restoring and conserving the coastal and marine ecosystems. The call invites approaches that create new and additional blue economy opportunities, such as innovations to improve fisheries and aquaculture management, ecotourism opportunities, or sustainable uses of marine resources empowering local coastal communities. Selected innovators will receive up to US$40 thousand to pilot their innovation within a period of maximum six months. Eligibility extends to entities in the least developed countries and/or small island developing states. The application deadline is 28 August 2023. Link

Global Research Alliance — Agriculture Greenhouse Gas Fellowship

The Climate, Food and Farming, Global Research Alliance Development Scholarships (CLIFF-GRADS) Program is a capacity training program for early-career scientists from developing countries to conduct applied research in agriculture greenhouse gas emissions quantification and mitigation. The opportunity is open to PhD students undertaking their PhD at a university in a developing country. Successful applicants will go on short term (4-6 month) research stays at a host institution. The application deadline is 28 August 2023. CLIFF-GRADS

Clean Cooking Alliance — Women in Clean Cooking

The Women in Clean Cooking (WICC) Program aims at providing professional development and mentorship support for early to mid-career women in the clean cooking sector in Africa, Asia, and Haiti. The program offers virtual webinars, networking opportunities, and peer-to-peer exchange. Applicants must be senior professionals from the clean cooking and energy sector. The deadline for nominations is 31 August 2023. Women in Clean Cooking Program

UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council — Standard Research Grant

BBSRC supports a range of activities from research projects to technology development, new infrastructure and equipment, use of equipment and facilities, networks, and summer schools. Case Studies include the themes of agriculture, sustainable energy and climate change. Applicants from industry and academia can request a maximum of £2 million per project. Projects must be based in the UK, however, where a suitable company cannot be found in the UK, an overseas partnership may be possible. Applications must be submitted by 27 September 2023. Link to more info