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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

U.S. African Development Foundation — Community Development in DRC

The United States African Development Foundation (USADF) provides assistance under the Community Development Institutions Program to assist local development institutions to strengthen their capacity to support community-based and other activities that benefit the underserved. USADF will provide funds to micro, small and medium enterprises and community-based groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The submission deadline for proposals is 31 July 2022. Community Development in DRC

Government of India — Young Scientists Innovator Prize

The BRICS Young Scientist Forum seeks to strengthen existing bilateral and multilateral relations as well as cooperation among its member countries Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. BRICS invites proposals from young scientists with projects in the thematic areas of biomedicine, low-carbon technology, artificial intelligence, renewable energy, and modern agriculture for the 7th BRICS-YSF Conclave in China. All participants will have the opportunity to attend the activities of the Science Communication Program. The program is open to scientists, engineers, technologists, innovators, science journalists, science professionals and researchers. Candidates to the BRICS Young Innovator Prize must be under the age of 30. Please note that candidates working in a private company are not eligible. Projects must be submitted until 10 July 2022. Click here to know more

Climate Action Champions Network — Young Climate Leaders

The Climate Action Champions Network seeks young climate leaders from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan. The objective of the program is to inspire the South Asian young leaders to champion an ambitious climate action agenda in their respective countries and in the wider Indo-Pacific region. Prospective climate champions between the ages of 18 and 35, who are passionate about climate action, are encouraged to apply. The deadline for submitting applications is 15 July 2022. Know more

United States Agency for International Development — Food Security in Liberia

The Food Security, Nutrition and Resilience (FSNR) activity aims to increase agriculture-led economic growth, through improved productivity to enhance food security and nutrition in Liberia. USAID seeks applications to implement the USAID/FSNR Activity. The five-year activity will be funded with a total estimated amount of approximately US$20 million. The activity will be implemented in Liberia and target smallholder and subsistence farmers, agricultural cooperatives, and women and youth groups. Eligibility for this call is not restricted. The closing date for applications is 27 July 2022. More

U.S. Mission to Zambia — Funding for Community Organizations

The Ambassador’s Special Self-Help (ASSH) Program is a grants program that seeks to improve community-based natural resource management. ASSH announces an open competition for organizations in Zambia to submit applications to carry out small, community-based activities. Funding aims at assisting community groups to develop lasting, self-sustaining projects with focus on promoting the conservation of natural resources and developing sustainable tourism, among others. Small grants of up to US$15 thousand are available. The deadline to submit proposals is 27 July 2022. More

Jackson Wild — Fellowship for Storytellers

​The Jackson Wild Summit Fellowship is a comprehensive program for storytellers to accelerate their project in development through a series of skill-building workshops, networking events, pitching opportunities and mentorship in Austria (September/October 2022). Projects must include a visual media component and can consist of a wide range of topics including but not limited to environmental justice, climate change, conservation, human-wildlife conflict, etc. The Fellowship is open to all storytellers from around the world. Applicants must have at least 2 years of experience working in the industry. The application deadline is 01 July 2022. Jackson Wild Summit Fellowship

Nikkei Inc. — Innovation from Asia

The “Innovation from Asia” award focuses on novel and innovative activities started in Asia, and led by people from and living in Asia, creating a free and prosperous society by revitalizing the region and improving lives. Activities in fields such as business, research, technological development and social/artistic activities by an individual or a group can be submitted. The prize is 5 million yen. Candidates must be nominated by others. The award is open to innovations from East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and the Asia-Pacific region. Nominations close on 04 July 2022. Nomination

Sankalp Global Summit — Global Awards 2022

The Sankalp Awards celebrate social entrepreneurs who are making a positive impact on society by creating innovative solutions with a global community. The Award recognizes the work of entrepreneurs who have been building an enabling ecosystem which provides the right resources and environment for entrepreneurs to thrive in. Applicants must run a high-impact business that caters to rural, low-income, or disadvantaged communities. Areas of impact include Agriculture, WASH, Clean Energy and Climate Solutions, among others. The deadline to apply is 07 July 2022. Sankalp Global Awards

L’Oréal — Beyond Plastic Challenge

L’Oréal seeks innovators who can provide plastic free biomaterial solutions that enable plastic free packaging. The Beyond Plastic Challenge is open to established companies, startups, universities and technical centers or laboratories. Finalists will have the opportunity to pitch their proposition in front of experts. Candidates will need to register themselves by 18 July 2022. Link to registration

BioInnovate Africa — Collaboration Projects in Eastern Africa

BioInnovate Africa supports scientists in eastern Africa to link biologically based research ideas, inventions, and technologies to business and the market. BioInnovate invites concept notes to co-develop value-added products (goods and services) from biological resources, such as agro-produce, biological waste conversion, or biologically based healthcare products. Target beneficiaries are scientists working in universities, research institutes, private sector companies as well as smallholder farmers and communities in Burundi, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. Funding per project is a grant amount of up to US$1 million for a period of three years. The deadline for receiving concept notes is 19 July 2022. BioInnovate Collaboration Projects