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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Graduate Institute Geneva — Master and PhD Applications 2025

The Graduate Institute Geneva (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies) offers Master’s and PhD programs that address global, international, and transnational challenges facing the contemporary world. Its centers include the Centre for International Environmental Studies, among others. The Institute strives to support its students — to the extent of its ability — through cost-of-living scholarships, partial scholarships, and/or tuition fee reductions. The regular application deadline is 15 January 2025. Find out more

Stanford University — Summer Fellowships for Future Leaders 2025

The Draper Hills Summer Fellowship on Democracy and Development Program is a three-week academic training program for mid-career practitioners in the fields of democracy, development, and the rule of law. Applicants can be working as policy-makers, academics, legal professionals, social entrepreneurs, business entrepreneurs, and leaders of civil society organizations. Stanford will pay for accommodations, meals, and transportation costs during the duration of the program. A small travel fund is available for fellows who under no circumstances can support their travel. The application deadline is 16 January 2025. Find the Summer Fellowships

Van Tienhoven Foundation — Small Grants for Biodiversity Conservation

The Van Tienhoven Foundation for International Nature Protection promotes the protection, conservation, and sustainable use of ecosystems and their living organisms. The Foundation aims to counter the human-induced causes of threats to biodiversity. Only Asian and Latin American countries on the DAC list will be eligible. Non-profit organizations are eligible to apply. Government organizations, companies, or individuals are not supported. The maximum grant is €10 thousand. The next application deadline is 31 January 2025. Link to the Van Tienhoven Foundation

Ornithological Society of the Middle East — Bird Conservation 2025

The OSME’s Conservation Fund makes grants to support bird research in the Middle East, Caucasus, and Central Asia. The Fund supports projects benefiting species and habitats, especially Globally Threatened and Near Threatened birds, and sites important for bird conservation (Important Bird Areas) in the OSME region. Grants average about £1 thousand to £2 thousand. The submission deadlines are 31 January; 31 May; and 30 September each year. Know more

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis — Young Scientists Summer Program 2025

IIASA invites doctoral students worldwide to participate in its Young Scientists Summer Program held at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis’s headquarters in Laxenburg, Austria. The selected participants work with IIASA’s senior scientists in research on energy, ecosystem services, water, risk policy and vulnerability, and other topics. Scholarships are available from IIASA’s national member organizations. A limited number of scholarships are available from other sources. The deadline for registrations to the 2025 program is 13 January 2025. Young Scientists Summer Program

Endangered Landscapes & Seascapes Programme — Landscape Restoration

The Endangered Landscapes & Seascapes Programme provides funding for the implementation of large-scale restoration initiatives that restore and harness ecosystem processes, bring back nature to degraded landscapes and seascapes, and revitalize local economies. The program seeks Expressions of Interest from innovative landscape restoration projects across Europe. The amount awarded per project is between US$1.5 Million and US$5 Million, over five years. Lead partners for grants must be not-for-profit organizations. The deadline for submitting applications is 14 January 2025. Details

Arab Gulf Programme for Development — Prize for Human Development

The Prince Talal International Prize for Human Development supports efforts aiming at the promotion and enhancement of human development concepts. The objective is to highlight innovative experiences and continuously support distinguished efforts in various fields of development. The 2024 Prize honors projects and initiatives in line with SDG 14 “Life below Water”. Prizes range from US$100 thousand to US$400 thousand. Projects implemented by UN agencies, international or regional NGOs, governmental bodies, social business enterprises, and individuals are eligible. Nominations for the Prize have to be submitted by 15 January 2025. About the Prize

Swiss Network for International Studies — Call for Projects 2025

The Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS) makes grants for multi-disciplinary research on global issues that are relevant in the international arena, or that concern multiple countries simultaneously. SNIS accepts submissions from Swiss institutions of higher education and research (listed in the announcement). SNIS strongly encourages international collaboration. Project funding ranges from CHF 100 thousand to CHF 300 thousand for two years. The application deadline is 22 January 2025. Find the call

Neotropical Birding and Conservation — Conservation and Research in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Neotropical Birding and Conservation (formerly Neotropical Bird Club) offers research grants for conservation work, or for research that may be of conservation benefit. Awards of US$1,500 and US$3,000 are for projects carried out by nationals and/or residents of countries in the Neotropics (i.e. the Caribbean, Central America, and South America). The Juan Mazar Barnett Award (up to US$5,000) is to encourage early-career neotropical bird conservationists and researchers. Application guidelines are available in English and Spanish. The deadlines are 01 January and 01 July of each year. Know more

Yale University — Young Global Scholars Program

Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS) offers two-week academic summer programs for high school students from all around the world. The program offers four interdisciplinary sessions on campus at Yale (USA), including sessions on Innovations in Science & Technology and Solving Global Challenges. YYGS offers the opportunity for students to apply for need-based financial aid. Furthermore, YYGS will waive the application fee if it constitutes a significant financial burden for the student’s family. The application deadline is 10 January 2025. About Yale Young Global Scholars