The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) and the Elsevier Foundation invite applications for project grants for Gender Equity and Climate Action. Grants are awarded to teams of 2-5 women for action-based projects which, although scientific in nature, will take them outside the lab to promote practical and tangible change under the umbrella of the “climate action” SDG in their local context. The project grant is designed to be flexible, with a total value of up to US$25 thousand. The principal applicant has to be a woman scientist, holding a PhD, living and working in a science and technology lagging country. The deadline for applications is 19 May 2022. TWAS – Elsevier
Day: March 3, 2022
Earth Journalism Network — Introductory Biodiversity Course for Journalists
The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) launches an introductory biodiversity course for journalists – “From Microbes to Rainforests”. The online course is self-paced and designed to help journalists reporting on biodiversity to better understand the most pressing issues, from conservation to climate change to synthetic biology. The course is useful to journalists without experience in covering these topics. The course will remain live throughout 2022. Biodiversity Course for Journalists
Oak Foundation — Marine Conservation, Climate Change, and Wildlife Trade
The Oak Foundation makes grants in several thematic areas, including Environment. Oak’s grants in the sub-theme of marine conservation focus on industrial fishing, small-scale fisheries, and plastics pollution. The Foundation also makes grants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in North America, Europe, and some emerging economies, e.g., Brazil, China, and India. The Foundation’s sub-theme on illegal wildlife trade aims to conserve populations of African elephants and rhinos by curbing their illegal hunting and trade. Most grants range from US$25 thousand to US$7 million. Applicants that meet the Foundation’s requirements can submit letters of inquiry at any time. More about the application process