The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) invites applications for grants to implement rural youth employment opportunities. The grant program will be implemented in nine countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, for a total amount of up to US$1.2 million. The applicant must ensure a minimum cash contribution of eight per cent of the total proposal cost and an in-kind contribution. The recipient can be a governmental organization, a business development institution, a civil society organization, an academic/research institution or a private sector entity. The deadline to receive proposals is 14 March 2022. Rural Youth Employment
Day: March 3, 2022
Asian Development Bank — Pacific Development Research Partnership
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) supports research proposals from early-career economists to conduct microeconomic development research in the Pacific. This call for proposals is limited to economists whose research focus is on the microeconomics of development, who are experienced in using micro-econometric methods, and who are experienced in using microdata. An honorarium of US$5 thousand will be paid to authors of selected proposals. Researchers should submit their research proposal by 18 March 2022. Pacific Development Research Partnership
U.S. Agency for International Development — Off-Grid Energy Challenge Nigeria
The United States African Development Foundation (USADF) and All On invite proposals for the Off-Grid Energy Challenge from Nigerian off-grid energy companies. Selected enterprises will receive funding in the form of convertible debt and grant capital in the amount of max. US$100 thousand. Applicants must be 100% African-owned and must be operating in Nigeria. Applications have to be submitted by 18 March 2022. Off-Grid Energy Challenge
BIOPAMA — Medium Grants Eastern and Southern Africa
Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management (BIOPAMA) supports community-based organizations engaged in the conservation of biodiversity to carry out sustainable conservation measures in protected and conserved areas. Grant size can vary from €100 thousand to €200 thousand. Only partnerships between a non-governmental organization and a community-based organization are eligible to apply. This call for proposals is open for countries located in Eastern and Southern Africa only. The deadline to submit concept note applications is 27 March 2022. Medium Grants Eastern and Southern Africa
U.S. African Development Foundation — Agriculture Value Chains and Off-Grid Energy in Benin
USADF, in collaboration with the Government of Benin, invites small and medium-sized enterprises to submit requests for funding and support for the development of their local Beninese businesses. Projects focusing on value chains of corn, cassava, cashew, shea, pineapple, palm oil, rice, peanut and soybean and off-grid energy and craft industries are eligible. Startups can request a total of US$50 thousand for projects in processing, crafts and off-grid energy sectors. Grants range from US$10 thousand to a maximum of US$ 250 thousand. Businesses must provide a minimum contribution of 30% of the total cost of the project. The application deadline is 28 March 2022. USADF Benin
AGCO Agriculture Foundation — Impact-Driven Agricultural Projects
The AGCO Agriculture Foundation (AAF) provides resources to implement projects that promote sustainable climate solutions for farmers and the agricultural sector which benefits economies while also strengthening community development. Climate smart agricultural projects should work towards improving farmer productivity, and as a result, livelihoods, making farms more resilient to climate impacts. Grants between US$20 thousand and US$300 thousand are available. Only non-profit organizations working in farming communities are eligible to apply for grant funding. The grant application is open until 30 March 2022. AGCO Grants
BIOPAMA — Medium Grants Western and Central Africa
Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management (BIOPAMA) aims to address priorities for action to improve the management and governance of protected and conserved areas, and the sustainable use of natural resources and livelihoods of surrounding local communities. Grant size can be up to €200 thousand (5% co-funding from the applicant is required). Eligibility extends to non-governmental organizations and community-based organizations. This call for proposals is open for countries located in Western and Central Africa only. The deadline to submit concept note applications is 10 April 2022. Medium Grants Western and Central Africa
BIOPAMA — Medium Grants Pacific
Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management (BIOPAMA) aims to address priorities for action to improve the management and governance of protected and conserved areas, and the sustainable use of natural resources and livelihoods of surrounding local communities. Grant size can vary from €200 thousand to €400 thousand (5% co-funding from the applicant is required). Eligibility extends to non-governmental organizations and community-based organizations. This call for proposals is open for countries located in the BIOPAMA Pacific region only. The deadline to submit concept note applications is 13 April 2022. Medium Grants Pacific
U.S. Department of State — Supporting Environmental Defenders in Latin Americ
The U.S. Department of State announces an open competition for organizations interested in submitting applications for a project to strengthen support for environmental defenders in Latin America. DRL prioritizes countries and communities in Latin America where violence against environmental defenders is most acute. The total funding available under this call is US$2 million. DRL welcomes applications from U.S.-based and foreign-based non-profit organizations, institutions of higher education; and businesses. The closing date for applications is 23 April 2022. Details here
UNESCO — Creation of Geoparks
UNESCO and the Global Geoparks Network (GGN) make grants to support the creation of geoparks in Small Island Developing States. Geoparks are sites and landscapes of international geological significance that are managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development. UNESCO offers tailor-made consultancy services specifically designed to support local teams to develop a UNESCO Geopark project. All services provided through the grant will be free of charge for the territory. The deadline for applications is 30 April 2022. Creation of Geoparks