The Terra Viva Grants Directory brings free funding information to the developing world. Please consider making a donation to support our operations.

The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

ETH Zurich — Doctoral Mentorship Program

ETH for Development (ETH4D) provides grants for mentoring doctoral candidates. The mentorship entails remote support of doctoral candidates in low- and lower-middle-income countries as well as a research stay of 1-3 months at ETH Zurich. The grant covers expenses up to a maximum of CHF 15 thousand. Eligibility extends to doctoral candidates who are registered at a university or research institute in any low- or middle-income country. The next application deadline is 15 October 2024. ETH Doctoral Mentorship Program

Korea International Water Week — World Water Challenge 2024

The World Water Challenge is an international contest for water solutions. The Korea International Water Week (KIWW) aims to discover imminent water problems and to find feasible solutions. Participants are asked to select a water challenge (identified in the call) and submit their solution. The total prize amount for the World Water Challenge 2024 is KRW 10 million (approx. US$7,600). Winners will have the chance to be invited to the WWCH showcase during the KIWW 2024 and/or the World Water Forum. Individuals or organizations are welcome to participate. Proposals can be submitted until 11 August 2024. Know more

Zoologische Gesellschaft für Arten- und Populationsschutz — Conservation of Globally Threatened or Data Deficient Species

The primary goal of the Zoological Society for the Conservation of Species and Populations (ZGAP) is the conservation of unknown, but highly endangered species and their natural habitats. ZGAP funds conservation projects for globally threatened or data-deficient species, subspecies, and populations. Support is often given to young scientists from the developing world who are eager to implement conservation projects in their home countries. The maximum funding amount per project is €5 thousand. Please note that projects in the wealthier industrial countries (Western Europe, North America, Australia, and Japan) are only supported in exceptional cases. There is no application deadline. Find the guidelines for application here

Manomet — Conservation of Neotropical Shorebirds

The Manomet small grants program seeks to promote the conservation of shorebird species and populations breeding in Latin America and the Caribbean and build the capacity of early-career conservationists and researchers in the Neotropics. Grants of US$3,000 are available. Awards are only available to projects carried out by nationals and/or residents of countries and territories in Central and South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Projects should be developed in close collaboration with a local conservation agency, research institution, or non-governmental organization. The deadline for applications is 15 July 2024. Manomet Small Grants

Bezos Earth Fund — AI for Climate and Nature

The Bezos Earth Fund seeks new ideas for multiplying the impact of climate and nature efforts using modern AI. The first round of awards will focus on sustainable proteins, power grid optimization, biodiversity conservation, and embracing visionary wildcard solutions for climate and nature. The Grand Challenge will offer up to US$100 million in total funding over three rounds. Up to 30 seed grantees will receive US$50 thousand each. At the end of the challenge, up to 15 implementation grantees will receive up to $2 million each. The Grand Challenge invites grant proposals from U.S.-based non-profit and global academic institutions. The application deadline is 30 July 2024. Bezos Earth Fund

Geneva Centre for Security Policy — Prize for Innovation in Global Security

The Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) offers a prize to recognize groundbreaking concepts by any individual, group of individuals, or organization, that offer exceptional potential in addressing peace and security challenges. All disciplines and fields are relevant (including climate change and environmental security). The winner will receive CHF10 thousand and a certificate. The deadline for applications is 23 September 2024. Details here

Worldwide Universities Network — Research Development Fund

The WUN Research Development Fund (RDF) provides grants of up to £10 thousand for one year to foster research collaborations among academic staff (faculty) at WUN member universities. Applications are open to researchers from WUN member institutions. The RDF supports research projects that fall under the network’s principal research theme of sustainable development. The closing date is 18 October 2024. (Note: Most WUN member universities have earlier internal submission deadlines, and prospective applicants should contact their local WUN Coordinator as soon as possible.) Link to guidelines

Belmont Forum — Tropical Forests

The Belmont Forum aims to coordinate actions and projects with a transdisciplinary approach to develop innovative solutions to the challenges faced in tropical forest regions. The Belmont Forum will fund three-year projects. This call for proposals recognizes the growing threats to those ecosystems and their inhabitants, such as climate change, deforestation, unregulated agroindustry and land conversion, illegal activities, pollution, and environmental/climate injustices. All projects should include 3 funding agencies from 3 different countries. Registrations are due on 12 November 2024. Tropical Forests Call

Ornithological Society of the Middle East — Trevor Poyser Species Conservation Fund

The Ornithological Society of the Middle East (OSME) makes grants to support bird research in the Middle East, Caucasus, and Central Asia. The Trevor Poyser Species Conservation Fund supports research projects that lead to clear conservation benefits for a globally threatened species that occurs within the OSME region. One grant of £5 thousand is available. The application deadline is 01 December 2024. Know more

International Development Research Centre — Climate Adaptation and Resilience

The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) makes grants to research organizations that enhance urban resilience to climate change in ASEAN member states. This funding opportunity is available to research organizations that are headquartered in a member state of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). IDRC intends to provide grant funding of up to CA$3.4 million. The application deadline is 09 July 2024. Details here