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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization — Science for Peace and Security

NATO’s support for research in peace and security includes aspects of environment and energy in relation to climate change, water scarcity, increasing energy needs, disaster forecasts, and prevention of natural catastrophes (among others). The SPS Program supports multi-year research projects, research workshops, and training courses. Applications are invited from researchers in NATO’s member countries and its partner countries – including several in East Europe, Eurasia, Central Asia, and the Mediterranean region. The application deadline is 16 June 2023. Link to NATO

Campus France — Program SIAM 2024

France and Thailand administer SIAM to promote French-Thai research collaboration in subject areas that include energy, ecology and biodiversity, agriculture, and others. SIAM is a program of mobility grants to cover air transportation and related travel expenses up to a maximum of €12 thousand. Project proposals must be presented by at least one Thai partner and one French partner. The active participation of young researchers (doctoral and postdoctoral students) is a priority assessment criteria. The application deadline is 26 June 2023. Find details