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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

European Commission — Energy Development in Lesotho

The EC invites applications to promote expanded access to rural energy in Lesotho. Activities should focus on commercial opportunities for solar innovations in households; demonstration of mini-grid projects; and support for businesses that offer sustainable energy products and services in rural Lesotho. The lead applicant should be an NGO, private company, research institute, public sector operator, or local authority in Lesotho or an EU member state. International (inter-governmental) organisations are also eligible. Reference EuropeAid/155297/DD/ACT/LS. The deadline for concept notes is 07 June 2017. Link

Toyota Motor Corporation — Toyota Environmental Activities Grant Program 2017

Toyota makes grants to support environmental activities implemented by nonprofit organizations. The themes are “biodiversity conservation” and “counter measures to global warming.” Grants are made in Japan and internationally. The international program is open to applicants in Japan, and to international partners in collaboration with Japanese groups. The application deadline is 23 June 2017. Link

U.S. Department of State — Building Capacity for Wildlife Protection in Africa and Asia

The U.S. government will fund nonprofit NGOs and institutions of higher education to reduce the poaching and trafficking of wildlife through effective programming in key locations of Africa and Asia. The primary countries of engagement may include one or more of the following countries in Africa: Botswana, Cameroon, Chad, Congo (Brazzaville), Gabon, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia, and/or, one or more of the following countries in Asia: Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. The project will provide wildlife rangers and police with non-lethal equipment such as boots, uniforms, backpacks, hydration equipment, appropriate outdoor clothing, patrol equipment, tents, radios, communication equipment, and vehicles. Proposals must demonstrate an existing and on-going relationship with the organizations responsible for park, range, or game reserve management and/or with the recipient organization of the equipment. Funding Opportunity INLEA-INLTC-17-005. The closing date for applications is 04 July 2017. Link

U.S. Department of State — Supporting Tunisia’s Agribusiness Sector

The program aims to increase the productivity, competitiveness, and sustainability in selected value chains and areas of the agribusiness sector to boost Tunisia’s agro-food exports. Eligible applicants include non-profit organizations; for-profit organizations; private institutions of higher education, public and state institutions of higher education; public international organizations; and small businesses. The U.S. Embassy in Tunis strongly encourages applications from civil society organizations headquartered in the Middle East and North Africa. Funding Opportunity NEAAC-EMBASSYTUNIS-16-002. The application deadline is 08 June 2017. Link

U.S. Department of State — Capacity to Deter Wildlife Trafficking in Indonesia

The initiative Indonesia Countering Wildlife Trafficking is a partnership between the USA and Indonesia to combat wildlife trafficking in the region, including across the border between Indonesia and Malaysia.  The project will aim to build the capacity of Indonesian authorities to combat wildlife trafficking at all stages of enforcement. Eligibility to apply for funding extends to nonprofit NGOs and educational institutions (USA and internationally). Funding Opportunity INL-17GR0017-EAINDONESIA-04-27-2017. The deadline for applications is 25 June 2017. Link

European Commission — EU-China Cooperation on Wildlife Protection

The EC will make grants to coordinate with China on its revised wildlife protection law, which calls on government at all levels to strengthen publicity, education, and awareness raising on wildlife protection and to support civil society organisations in doing so. Eligibility for funding extends to NGOs in EU member states and in other eligible countries that are engaged in wildlife protection, and that have cooperation arrangements with the State Forestry Administration of China. Chinese entities can participate as co-applicants. Reference EuropeAid/155146/DD/ACT/CN. The application deadline is 31 July 2017. Link

Stiftung Artenschutz — Amphibian Conservation Fund 2017

The Amphibian Conservation Fund supports conservation measures for endangered amphibian species and subspecies. The Foundation is interested in both in-situ conservation and conservation-related research, as well as measures to enhance public awareness. Funding recipients may be legally registered non-profit organisations or non-profit promoter contributors, as well as public institutions. Grants are up to €4 thousand for 18 months. The deadline for applications (German, English) is 30 April 2017. Link

Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland — Scotland’s Grants for Zambia and Rwanda

The Scottish Government announces the 2017 round of funding for its Zambia and Rwanda development programs. The focus regions are Central Province in Zambia, and Western and Southern Provinces in Rwanda. Among the priority themes are agriculture, and renewable energy as a component in other priority themes. Applications are restricted to Scottish-based organizations. The closing date for submitting concept notes is 04 May 2017. Link

Triodos Foundation — Support for Grassroots Development

Triodos Bank focuses on financial support for sustainable “green” organizations in sectors such as agriculture and energy. The Triodos Foundation focuses on grassroots projects in organic agriculture, food, biodiversity, animal welfare, holistic education (including music and theatre as a means of learning). All grant recipients are non-profit organizations based in the Netherlands which may work in collaboration with partners in developing countries. Applications are presented to the Foundation by email. There is no calendar deadline. (Note: Only organizations based in the Netherlands can apply. A recommendation of a Dutch acquintance is not sufficient.) Link

European Commission — Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in European Overseas Territories

The EC funds the program Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in European Overseas Territories (BEST) in order to fund actions on the ground, both at the local and regional level. BEST 2.0 is open to applications for projects in the overseas territories of the Caribbean, Pacific, South Atlantic, Indian Ocean, and Polar/Sub-polar regions. Small grants are up to €100 thousand; medium grants are €100 thousand to €400 thousand. Potential applicants include local civil society organisations; small for-profit organisations; municipalities; OT governments and their departments and services; European Member State bodies; and regional and international organisations. The deadline to submit concept notes is 14 April 2017. Link