The Government of India invites research projects to apply to the Strategic Research Fund (AISRF). Priority areas for collaborative research projects are energy and storage (batteries) and marine science. Eligible organizations include universities, research laboratories, and non-profit organizations.The Indian Government will sponsor the direct costs for international airfares, living expenses, manpower-salaries and consumables. The deadline for submission of proposals is 23 January 2019. Link
Day: January 1, 2019
Cultural Vistas — Public Participation Program in Environmental Protection
Cultural Vistas seeks applications for the 2019 Public Participation Program in Environmental Protection (PPPA) program. The PPPA project seeks to increase civil society engagement in environmental protection, and promote public participation in environmental decision-making. The PPPA program will fund 4 projects in Chile, Colombia, and Peru. Selected projects may receive up to US$50 thousand in funding over a 15-month funding period. The application deadline is 31 January 2019. Details
Nigeria Energy Forum — Africa Energy Innovation Competition 2019
The NEF invites applications for the 4th Africa Energy Ideas Competition that is set to accelerate the development of early-stage energy firms across Africa. The competition is open to early-stage energy entrepreneurs from Africa to collaborate with local research institutions or industries. Young professionals between the ages of 18 and 35 years from Africa are invited to participate and nominate a relevant local research institution or organization. Winners will pitch their proposed prototype model at the 2019 Nigeria Energy Forum, in Lagos (Nigeria) and a cash prize of up to $5 thousand. The deadline for proposal submission is 31 January 2019. View the guidelines
Tropical Biology Association — Specialist Course: Citizen Science in Africa
The Tropical Biology Association provides specialist courses in tropical biology. The current specialist course “Citizen Science in Africa” aims to build the capacity of science leaders to use citizen science to collect data on biodiversity for conservation management. A limited number of scholarships will be available. Applicants are invited from non-governmental organisations, universities, research and conservation institutions and government research departments. The application deadline is 31 January 2019. About the Field Course
São Paulo School of Advanced Science — Workshop: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
The São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Scenarios and Modelling on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services to Support Human Well-Being (SPSAS Scenarios) will hold a 2-week training and networking session in July 2019 on scenarios and modeling in biodiversity and ecosystem services, and its relation to human wellbeing. The Advanced School will be led by speakers from several countries. Approximately 100 applicants, 50 from Brazil and 50 from other countries will be selected to participate in the Advanced School. The Advanced School will be conducted in English. A limited number of travel grants is available for participants from developing countries. The application deadline is 20 February 2019. About
UK Department for International Development — Productive Energy Use in Sub-Saharan Africa
The Carbon Trust and Energy 4 Impact on behalf of the UK Department for International Development (DFID) seeks action research and learning projects, so called Powering Opportunities Partnerships (POP), which propose replicable and scalable productive use interventions to drive productive energy demand in Africa to increase local economic benefit. Funding to be requested from TEA-POP should not exceed £300 thousand and the applicant must present a minimum of 50% in co-funding (either financial or in-kind). The proposed project should take place in local, rural communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. Expressions of Interest have to be submitted by 28 February 2019. Find more
European Commission — Big Data Solutions for Energy
The European Commission seeks project proposals (two-stage call) for big data application in the energy sector. Projects need to develop a reference architecture for large-scale multi-party data exchange and real-time processing in the energy sector and translate this reference architecture into an open, modular data analytics toolbox. The Commission will consider proposals in the range of €10 million. International cooperations and legal entities established in EU Member States, Overseas Countries and Territories and Horizon 2020 associated countries (as detailed in the call) are eligible to apply under this call. The deadline for submission (stage I) is 02 April 2019. More
Inter-Research Science Center — Ecology Prize 2019
The International Ecology Institute in Germany annually selects top performers worldwide in the field of ecology for the Ecology Institute Prize and the IRPE Prize. The winner of the Ecology Institute Prize will be awarded €6 thousand; the winner of the IRPE Prize will receive €3 thousand. Currently nominations are invited from research ecologists in marine ecology worldwide. The closing date for nominations is 30 April 2019. Know more