The Howard G. Buffett Fund for Women Journalists seeks to promote the work and advance the role of women in the news media across the globe. The average grant size is US$10 thousand. The grant is intended to give women journalists the opportunity to pursue international stories of importance through gender-sensitive coverage of underreported topics. (Note: This may include various focus areas of the Terra Viva Grants Directory, i.e., women in agriculture, or stories about and by female conservationists.) The Fund for Women Journalists accepts applications on a rolling basis. Fund for Women Journalists
Fiat Panis Foundation — Hermann Eiselen Science Award 2024
The Fiat Panis Foundation makes awards for university thesis and dissertation research in themes of agriculture and natural resources, with a focus on food security in developing countries. The Hermann Eiselen Science Award is made to a young scientist who focuses on helping to reduce hunger and malnutrition through agricultural research. The value of the award is €30 thousand. The deadline for applications is 30 April 2024. Hermann Eiselen Science Award
ClimateScience — Olympiad 2024
ClimateScience is a global charity creating and providing educational resources on solutions to climate change to people worldwide. ClimateScience invites youth from 14-17 years and 18-25 years to participate in the Climate Science Olympiad 2024. Participants can compete in teams of two or on their own. Individual applicants can be matched up with a teammate. Each team (or individual) chooses one of three problem statements (topics: biodiversity, clean energy, and sustainable agriculture) to respond to. The top 3 teams win US$5 thousand, US$3 thousand and US$2 thousand, respectively. Registration ends on 10 May 2024. ClimateScience Olympiad
City Climate Finance Gap Fund — Urban Climate Action
The City Climate Finance Gap Fund (Gap Fund) supports cities and local governments in preparing and prioritizing climate-smart plans and investments with the goal of attracting more financing and support for implementation. The Fund focuses on climate-smart urban planning and early-stage project preparation in developing and emerging countries. Selected proposals will receive technical assistance and capacity building. Cities and local authorities can apply by submitting an Expression of Interest. There is no application deadline. About the Gap Fund
One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership — Online Course: Gender & Environment
The One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership (UN CC:Learn) provides free resources and online courses to achieve climate change action both through general climate literacy and applied skills development. This free online course focuses on why promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment can help deliver better environmental outcomes in the fight against climate change. Participants will receive facts and figures on gender dimensions linked to biodiversity, climate change, land degradation, international waters, and chemicals and waste. The course is self-paced. Enrollment is possible at any time. Link
Global Nature Fund — Living Lakes Network
Living Lakes is a global network of partnership organizations to protect lakes, wetlands, and other freshwater sources and their catchment areas. The network takes an ecosystem approach to include biodiversity conservation and support for local livelihoods, e.g., in agriculture, fisheries, tourism, etc. Living Lakes does not make project grants, but it offers network assistance to members. Members are able to include their projects and proposals in the Living Lakes portfolio for the attention of potential donors and sponsors. Members may also apply for assistance to participate in the meetings, workshops, and conferences of Living Lakes — and to seek other forms of networking and training support. Applications can be submitted at any time. Explore the Opportunity
Amazon — Research Awards
Amazon welcomes proposals related to climate risk/resilience, life cycle assessment and circular strategies. The overall goal is to inform business planning and resilience in order to make Amazon the most environmentally and socially responsible place to buy or sell goods and services. Selected partners may receive up to US$100 thousand in unrestricted funds. The application deadline is 13 November 2023. Link
Tencent and Viva la Vida — THINC Fellowship
THINC is a 12-month fellowship program for creative inventors who leverage the power of technology to create a greener and more sustainable world. The program consists of virtual meetings, offline events, and marketing campaigns to build a professional network of young leaders from different disciplines worldwide. Fellows can be in any field from art to engineering. The application deadline is 19 November 2023. THINC Fellowship
Start Up Energy Transition — Award for Global Energy Transition
The SET Award is an international competition for start-ups and young companies worldwide who are working on ideas affecting global energy transition and climate change. The top 100-ranked applicants will receive a free ticket to the SET Tech Festival 2024. The winners in each of the five award categories can win up to €10 thousand in prize money. All start-ups must be able to present a functioning prototype. The application deadline for the 2024 SET Award is 29 November 2023. Know more
WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award — Award in Fighting Disinformation
WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award invites nominations to recognize persons or organizations that effectively have taken on the challenge to fight disinformation (e.g., disinformation about climate change etc.), thereby facilitating the work to reach the UN Sustainable Goals 2030. The nominees will have created change that inspires others and shown what measures are necessary. Candidates for the WIN WIN Award compete for SEK 1 million. Candidates for the WIN WIN Youth Award (between the ages of 13-29) compete for SEK 50 thousand. Any organization, movement, business, group of people or individual can be nominated. Nominations must be submitted by 15 January 2024. Gothenburg Sustainability Award