The Scottish Government’s Climate Justice Innovation Fund (CJIF) is open to any Scottish-based organisation, working with an in-country partner or partners, to support climate justice-related projects which demonstrate innovation in the field. CJIF projects should be implemented in one or more of Malawi, Rwanda, or Zambia. Awards are up to £100 thousand for grants over a maximum of three years. Projects must support the beneficiary country’s development priorities. The application deadline is 07 August 2017. Link
Israeli Agency for International Development Cooperation — Professional Courses in Israel 2017
MASHAV funds professional courses organized and hosted by Israeli institutions in subject areas that include agriculture, energy, natural resources, health, education, and social development. The remainder of the 2017 calendar in English-language courses includes one on water management and modern irrigation (October-November 2017), with an application deadline on 18 August 2017; meteorological warnings (November 2017), with an application deadline on 25 August 2017; and agriculture and environment in a changing climate (November-December 2017), with an application deadline on 01 October 2017. MASHOV offers additional courses in Spanish, French, and Russian. Applications are submitted through Israel’s diplomatic missions. For most courses, MASHAV covers course fees, accommodation, medical insurance, and other expenses in Israel (but not international airfare). Link
U.S. Agency for International Development — Watershed Management in Peru
USAID invites applications to scale up investments in green infrastructure in Peru as a strategy to regulate water supply and increase resilience to climate change. The five-year program will aim to build public awareness and political support for improved management of Andean watersheds, and to propose site-specific projects that invest in ecosystem services to reduce soil erosion and improve water supply. Eligibility for funding extends to U.S. and non-US organizations, including organizations which have not previously received financial assistance from USAID. Funding Opportunity RFA-527-17-000002. The application deadline is 31 August 2017. Link
MIT Center for Collective Intelligence — New Contests at Climate CoLab
The MIT Climate CoLab organizes contests to solicit the world’s best ideas to prevent and adapt to climate change. Some contests pose social and political questions, while others focus on issues in science and technology. Each year, the contest winners are invited to a conference at MIT’s campus in the USA, where a pool of prize funding is shared among the best ideas. The Climate Co-Lab has recently posted seven new contests, each with a deadline on 10 September 2017. Link
European Commission — Agriculture and Climate in Mauritius
The EC calls for proposals to increase the capacity of vulnerable non-sugar smallholders and other key stakeholders towards developing and sustaining climate-smart agriculture in Mauritius. Eligibility for funding extends to nonprofit organizations in the EU and Mauritius. Grants will range from €300 thousand to €1 million, varying with cost shares. Reference EuropeAid/155919/DD/ACT/MU. The application deadline is 06 October 2017. Link
French Institute for Development Research — Support for International Research Teams 2017
The French Institute for Development Research (IRD) announces funding to support multidisciplinary international teams (laboratoires mixtes internationaux, LMI) to undertake research that corresponds to IRD’s thematic priorities. These priorities vary by geographical region to include food production and security; plant-health relationships; water resources; energy resources; ecosystems and biodiversity; natural risks; and others. The maximum funding for a LMI is €40 thousand per year. The deadline for proposals is 15 July 2017. Link
FRIDA — Climate and Environmental Justice for Women
FRIDA announces a special grant round for young feminist and young women-led groups focused on climate and environmental justice in targeted regions and countries. Grants of up to US$5 thousand for one year (renewable) will be made to groups founded or led by young women or trans youth (under 30 years) that are committed to advancing and defending women’s rights from a feminist perspective; working towards climate and/or environmental justice; and that meet other defined criteria. Eligibility extends to women’s groups formed in the past few years (2011-2017) in specified countries and territories of the Pacific Islands; Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa; Latin America; and Georgia. The deadline for applications (English, Spanish) is 23 July 2017. Link
British Council — Research Workshops
The British Council announces workshops that convene UK researchers with partners in other countries. Among the workshops that have deadlines beyond the date of this posting are: China, polymer electrolyte fuel cells (deadline 30 June 2017); Mexico, sustainable aquatic resources (deadline 30 June 2017); Turkey, offshore wind and wave energy (deadline 30 June 2017); India, closed loop green technologies for rural development (deadline 14 July 2017); China, erosion control and sustainable energy in green port development (deadline 15 July 2017); South Africa, post-harvest systems using renewable and sustainable energy (deadline 16 July 2017); Brazil, biological soft matter science in agri-food systems (deadline 21 July 2017); India, waste heat harvesting (deadline 01 September 2017); Malaysia, climate resilience and urban infrastructure (deadline 14 September 2017). The site lists additional workshops in additional subject areas. Link
U.S. Agency for International Development — Livestock Market Systems in Kenya
USAID in Kenya will make multiple grants (“leader plus associates”) under the Feed the Future program to assist the Kenyan livestock sector, focusing on projects in the northern counties. Project activities should aim for improvements in livestock and related market systems; expanded and diversified market-oriented livelihood opportunities; improved governance and management of range lands and water; drought cycle management; and multiple other objectives during projects of five years. Eligibility for funding is unrestricted. USAID encourages cost-sharing. Funding Opportunity RFA-615-17-000003. The closing date for applications is 17 July 2017. Link
ENEA Access — Energy Initiatives in Africa, 2nd Call
The ENEA Access Program offers 30 to 100 days of professional consulting services on a pro-bono basis to advance initiatives for energy access in Africa. The program is relevant for nonprofit organizations and NGOs, technology developers, and social entrepreneurs. Activities that can be considered for ENEA’s support include feasibility studies, market and business models, implementation of pilot projects, and others. Projects must clearly contribute to the reduction of poverty and/or climate change as a result of improved access to energy. Projects must be located in at least one of the continental African countries or surrounding associated islands. There are no restrictions regarding the home country of the applying organization. The closing date for ENEA’s second call for proposals in 2017 is 31 July. Link