PEP is a global partnership of development researchers, practitioners, institutes, and international organizations to promote research on policies to combat poverty. PEP will make grants for randomized control trials to test new programs or policy interventions in several thematic areas, including one on productivity in rural sectors. Each of four teams will benefit from a PEP support grant which includes mentoring, financial support up to US$100 thousand, and various other benefits. All team members must be developing country nationals and reside in a developing country during the full course of the project. The deadline for submitting expressions of interest is 06 June 2016. Link
Day: May 5, 2016
French Institute for Development Research (IRD) — Mobility Grants for Doctoral Research
The program ARTS funds doctoral research by individuals in the developing world who are working on research of interest to IRD and its partner organizations. The program encourages mobility of the supported researchers to engage with research partners in France, in another northern country, or in another southern country. Applicants must be under age 45. The deadline for applications (French, English) is 31 May 2016. Link
U.S. Department of State — Reducing Mercury Use in Andean Gold Mining
The U.S. State Department plans to award up to US$145 thousand for 18 months to design and test mobile training centers to reduce mercury use in small-scale gold processing in Bolivia and Peru. Eligibility for funding extends to higher educational institutions and research centers in the USA that have established relationships with regional institutions and/or organizations. The closing date for applications is 13 June 2016. Link
University of Cape Town — CSAG Winter School 2016
The Climate Systems Analysis Group (CSAG) at the University of Cape Town organizes a “winter school” intensive course, with the next one scheduled for five days in June-July 2016. The course is presented by facilitators from CSAG and other institutions to take participants through the full spectrum of topics related to climate and climate change, with an emphasis on issues in developing countries. CSAG offers partial sponsorships to some participants. The first application deadline is 09 May 2016; the final deadline is 30 May 2016. Link
Toyota Motor Corporation — Toyota Environmental Activities Grant Program 2016
Toyota makes grants to support environmental activities implemented by nonprofit organizations. The themes are “biodiversity conservation” and “counter measures to global warming.” Grants are made in Japan and internationally. The international program is open to applicants in Japan, and to international partners in collaboration with Japanese groups. The application deadline is 17 June 2016. Link