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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

UK Natural Environment Research Council — International Opportunities Fund 2017

NERC’s International Opportunities Fund announces grants that help UK researchers develop and strengthen collaborative links with international partners. Pump Priming grants are a maximum of £40 thousand for up to two years. Pump Priming Plus grants are a maximum of £250 thousand for up to three years. Eligibility is limited to applicants currently having grants through NERC. The closing date for proposals is 06 June 2017. Link

Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture — Staff Exchanges with Lilongwe University

RUFORUM announces support for seven staff exchanges at the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The goal of the fellowships is to provide opportunities for academics from outside Malawi to enhance faculty teaching, research, and collaboration at LUANAR. Applications are invited from permanent teaching faculty staff, particularly women, employed at any of RUFORUM’s 66 member universities. The deadline for applications (English, French) is 30 June 2017. Link

Swedish International Development Agency — Training in Strategic Environmental Assessment

Sida funds short-term training in selected development topics for participants from developing countries. The Africa program includes a course on strategic environmental assessment, with a focus on energy.  Participants may be nominated by organizations and agencies within the energy sector that work actively with energy plans, policies, and programmes at national or regional levels. The following countries are invited to nominate candidates: Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zambia.  The training will be provided in two parts, first in Sweden and then to be decided. The closing date for applications is 31 July 2017. Link

United States – India Educational Foundation — Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships

The Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships are for Indian scholars who are registered for a Ph.D. at an Indian institution. The fellowships are for six to nine months at institutions in the USA in fields that include agricultural sciences; energy studies; urban and regional planning (with emphasis on smart cities and waste management); materials science (with emphasis on environmental applications); and others.  The application deadline is 15 June 2017.  Link

Research Council of Norway — Research Exchanges and Events Related to Climate Change

Norway’s Large-scale Climate Programme (KLIMAFORSK) is a 10-year initiative on climate research. To foster international cooperation, the program supports Norwegians traveling internationally, international researchers visiting Norway, and events that promote the KLIMAFORSK objectives. Applications are submitted by Norwegian institutions. The application deadline is 26 April 2017. Link

UK Natural Environment Research Council — Fellowships in Green Urban Infrastructure

The UK’s NERC invites applications for Knowledge Exchange Fellowships that address issues and opportunities around green infrastructure in urban areas of the UK or developing countries. The objective is to influence local policymakers and businesses to support the development of urban green zones, urban ecosystem services, sustainable drainage systems, and other examples of green infrastructure. Eligibility to apply extends to applicants based in UK higher education institutions, and to NERC research centres and independent research organisations approved by NERC (if the science the work builds on was funded by NERC). Private, public, and third-sector organisations are eligible as end users and as partners in proposals. The deadline for applications is 27 April 2017. Link

Indo-US Science and Technology Forum — Bhaskara Advanced Solar Energy Fellowships and Internships 2017

The IUSSTF invites Indian applicants to apply for the Bhaskara fellowships and student internships for research on solar energy at reputed scientific/technological institutions in the USA. Preference will be given to research aimed at issues of solar energy in India. Eligibility extends to Indian PhD students and researchers in publicly-funded R&D laboratories, S&T institutions (non-private), and recognized academic institutes in India. The deadline for applications is 15 March 2017. Link

AuthorAID — Small Grants for Researchers in Developing Countries 2017

AuthorAID announces its first round of small grants in 2017 to support researchers in developing countries with travel and workshops. In this first round for 2017, AuthorAID plans to award five travel grants (US$1,500 each) and five workshop grants (US$2,500 each). AuthorAID posts the list of eligible developing countries. The deadline to apply for travel grants is 29 January 2017. The deadline to apply for workshop grants is 05 February 2017. Link

Indo-US Science and Technology Forum — SERB Indo-US Postdoctoral Fellowships for Indian Researchers

The IUSSTF invites Indian applicants to apply for the SERB Indo-US Postdoctoral Fellowships. The objective is to introduce Indian scientists and engineers in the early stages of their careers to international collaborative research opportunities. These awards will enable young Indian scientists and technologists of all disciplines, under the age of 35, to interact with the U.S scientific community. The focus areas include bio-energy, energy, science of climate change, glaciology, and several others. The deadline for applications is 28 February 2017. Link

Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture — Field Attachment Program Award

The RUFORUM Field Attachment Program Award is a graduate student internship to link thesis research to application and use at the community level. The awards are for MSc students supported by RUFORUM, and who are finalizing their degrees. The grant provides a living stipend and limited travel for three to four months. Applications will be accepted throughout 2017. Link