V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation

Grants to address threats caused by climate change, unsustainable consumption, and loss of biodiversity
Principal Office: USA
The V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation (VKRF) was established in 1991 to strengthen environmental research. Current issues in VKRF are climate change, unsustainable consumption, and loss of biodiversity.
VKRF favors projects that take stock of the scale of environmental problems; use a systems approach to achieve change; link policy, advocacy, and practical solutions; have international significance and perspective; and are based on original thinking and creative ideas.
Grant Programs for Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Natural Resources
Ecosystems, Sustainability, and Communication and Leadership. VKRF makes grants in three categories.
- Petrochemicals and Climate — The Foundation is interested in projects that analyze data and audit the life-cycle of greenhouse gas emissions originating from the production of petrochemicals.
- Infrastructure and Communications Support to the Climate Movement — This theme supports young advocates; network-building across disciplines and movements; as well as de development of tools to ensure the communication and understanding of climate science.
- Cultural Resilience and Global Leadership — This refers to the development of systems-level responses to ecological, economic, and social collapse; research related to the psychological and social capacities for dealing with serious climate change and the collapse of natural systems; and the development of leadership tools and practices that can be widely and rapidly adopted under the conditions of environmental breakdown.
In addition, the Foundation has a number of ongoing multiyear grants that relate to the urgent Need for Governance of Climate Geoengineering.
The Foundation works primarily in the USA on issues that are national and international. Funding that is external to the U.S. must be multinational and not focus on any specific country, region, or continent.
Grants are made to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations in the USA, as well as through fiscal sponsors that have 501(c)(3) status.
About the program
APPLICATION: The foundation normally has two grant cycles per year. The foundation does not accept unsolicited letters of inquiry or proposals, but program staff is happy to actively engage with actors within the thematic field in which the foundation is funding. > About how to apply
Geographical Distribution of Grant Activities in Developing Countries
Useful Information
Applicants should carefully review VKRF’s funding restrictions.
VKRF lists recent grant recipients.
The Foundation posts contact information for its office in New York.