Scottish International Development Fund

Grants for community-based projects in agriculture and natural resources in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
Principal Office: UK (Scotland)
The Scottish government’s international framework outlines Scotland’s strategy for international engagement and activity.
Within that framework, Scotland established an International Development Fund to implement cooperation with the developing world. The Fund’s interests relevant to the Terra Viva Grants Directory include sustainable agriculture; community water supply; renewable energy; climate change mitigation; prevention and mitigation of natural disasters; and livelihoods based on natural resources.
Grant Programs for Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Natural Resources
Grants to Organizations in Scotland. The International Development Fund helps finance Scottish organizations for programs and projects in countries that Scotland defines as priorities for development cooperation. Traditionally, a large share of Scotland’s assistance is directed to Malawi.
Most calls for proposals define several thematic areas eligible for funding, generally including at least one area related to agriculture and/or natural resources.
Grants are to organizations that have a presence in Scotland. Grant recipients to date are principally Scottish development NGOs, educational institutions, church institutions, and health institutions. The grant-funded Scottish organizations work in collaboration with local partners.
APPLICATION: Applicants respond to competitive calls for proposals through funding rounds for each program area. The calls include eligibility criteria; application guidelines and forms; calendar deadlines; and supporting information.
Link to Development Assistance Programs
Link to Climate Justice Fund
Geographical Distribution of Grant Activities in Developing Countries
The geographical priorities for Scotland’s development assistance are the following four countries.
South Asia: Pakistan
Sub-Saharan Africa: Malawi, Rwanda, Zambia
Note: Scotland’s grants for humanitarian assistance and health projects include actions in countries and regions in addition to those above.
The Scottish Government aims to make Scotland one of the world’s first Fair Trade Nations. It provides funding to the Scottish Fair Trade Forum.
The Network of International Development Organizations in Scotland (NIDOS) comprises Scottish member organizations active in the world’s developing regions. NIDOS posts news, events, funding opportunities, vacancies, and a directory of its members.
April 2021