German Federal Environmental Foundation

Grants for professional exchanges and research in Germany for young scientists from Central and Eastern Europe
Principal Office: Germany
The German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, DBU) is among Europe’s largest foundations, and among the world’s largest environmental foundations.
Grant funding is for environmental technology, environmental research and nature conservation, environmental communication, and the protection of cultural heritage.
Most of DBU’s grants are for work in Germany, although the Foundation funds international projects and exchanges with Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe.
Grant Programs for Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Natural Resources
Fellowships and Scholarships. DBU offers doctoral fellowships and international fellowships to young environmental scientists.
1 — Doctoral Fellowships. The DBU grants 60 dissertation fellowships per year to young scientists of all disciplines for advanced research in the field of environmental protection. The program is open to international applicants and on subjects of international importance. However, the work has to be done mainly in Germany, with a clear reference to Germany’s environmental situation.
About doctoral fellowships, and how to apply
2 — Scholarships in Germany for Young Scientists from Central and Eastern Europe. DBU has an international scholarship program with countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Young environmental scientists from these countries obtain additional professional qualifications through a research fellowship in Germany for up to one year.
The scholarship recipients are hosted at German universities, companies engaged in environmental management, engineering and consulting firms, and ministries and other organizations.
Project Funding. DBU funds innovative and solution-oriented projects for the protection of the environment. The funding activities focus on environmental technology and research, nature conservation, environmental communication and protection of cultural assets, with special consideration of small and medium-sized enterprises.
APPLICATION: The grant can be made in various amounts based on project and applicant. Natural and legal persons under private and public law are eligible.
Requests for support can be submitted at any time.
For details (in German), see Antragstellung
Geographical Distribution of Grant Activities in Developing Countries
Eastern Europe and Russia
DBU’s website is available in German, and selected parts have been translated to English.
Since 1991, DBU has financed 9,000 projects with total expenditure over €1.6 billion.
The Foundation offers contact information for its offices in Osnabrück.
July 2021