Associated Country Women of the World

Grants for grassroots projects in agriculture, water and sanitation, and other issues important for women in developing countries
Principal Office: International
The Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) aims to raise the standard of living of rural women and families through education, training, and community development. ACWW has 420 member societies in more than 70 countries.
The ACWW is a grant maker in support of women’s advancement. Grants focus on subject areas that include agriculture, water, and others. Most projects are located in the developing world.
Grant Programs for Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Natural Resources
Grants for women’s projects. ACWW supports projects run mainly by women, and that directly benefit women and/or children, by means of grants from trust funds. Relevant subject areas include agricultural training and development, water and sanitation, and several others.
Grants are to member organizations and non-member organizations that have been registered as NGOs for at least two years. Applying organizations must be legally based in the countries where the projects will be implemented
The maximum grant is £8 thousand for member organizations, and £4 thousand for non-members. Funded organizations are required to supply at least 25% of total project costs in the form of cash, in-kind contributions, or volunteer input.
APPLICATION: ACWW posts funding guidelines and an application form.
The application asks for information about the applicant’s organization and the project it proposes (objectives, beneficiaries, budget, use of local resources, sustainability considerations, and others).
Other details vary with the type of project to be funded, e.g., specific criteria regarding projects for agricultural training and development, water and sanitation, etc.
Member organizations can submit applications any time. Non-member organizations apply during defined periods each year.
About projects and how to apply
Geographical Distribution of Grant Activities in Developing Countries
ACWW provides a list of funded projects for reference.
Contact offers an email form and information for the ACWW’s office in London.
June 2021