Wuppertal Institute

Grants for renewable energy and energy efficiency in the developing world
Principal Office: Germany
The Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, and Energy explores and develops models, strategies, and instruments to support sustainable development at local, national, and international levels.
The Wuppertal Institute’s interests include climate, energy, transport, material flows, environmental management, production and consumption, and resource management.
WISIONS of Sustainability is a grant-making initiative of the Institute.
Grant Programs for Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Natural Resources
Sustainable Energy. WISIONS makes grants for energy-related basic needs in developing countries through SEPS (i.e., Sustainable Energy Project Support). Thematic interests in SEPS include solar energy, biomass, biofuels, biogas, hydro power, wind power, and other topics of renewable energy and energy efficiency.
WISIONS also funds face-to-face knowledge exchanges that strengthen the capabilities of practitioners and local organizations working in the field of applied renewable energy technologies.
Most grants to date have been awarded to NGOs for conservation and development, and to other civil society organizations, in the countries of project implementation.
APPLICATION: SEPS calls for applications for energy projects and knowledge exchanges. Each call has a defined theme within the general framework of energy-related basic needs.
For projects, applicants submit a project profile; proposed budget; and calculation (if possible) of the project’s reduction in fossil primary energy and carbon dioxide emissions. Applicants also indicate how their projects meet technical, social, environmental, and scaling-up criteria.
For knowledge exchanges, applicants submit a completed application form; a budget; and a detailed timeline for the exchange activities.
Completed applications are sent to the Wuppertal Institute before the specified calendar deadline.
About the program, and how to apply
Geographical Distribution of Grant Activities in Developing Countries
The Wuppertal Institute’s website is available in German and English.
The Wuppertal Institute has the legal status of a non-profit limited company in Germany. It receives basic funding from the federated state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Funding by third parties supports most of the Institute’s budget and projects.
SEPS posts a map and searchable database of projects.
WISIONS offers complete contact information.