Minor Foundation for Major Challenges

Support for innovative communications to influence public opinion and increase political support for cutting greenhouse gas emissions
Principal Office: Norway
The Minor Foundation for Major Challenges supports projects in communication that have the ultimate objective of limiting human-created climate change.
The Foundation aims to influence opinion and change attitudes in favor of greater international support for measures to slow global warming. The Foundation works through television, film, internet, investigative reports, and via other means to raise awareness.
Grant Programs for Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Natural Resources
Grants to promote awareness on climate change. The Foundation supports innovative, experimental, and untested communication measures to raise awareness on climate change. The Minor Foundation gives priority to the media and tools that have the greatest impact at any time.
The Foundation welcomes applications from all over the world, with preference for experienced organizations and networks.
APPLICATION: The Foundation posts an online application form that asks for basic information about the proposed project and the amount of support requested.
About how to apply
Geographical Distribution of Grant Activities in Developing Countries
The Foundation’s website is available in English.
In addition to its regular program of support, the Foundation may also announce competitions on special topics.
Potential grant seekers can study the Foundation’s past grants as a guide to the types of projects that it supports.
Contact Us provides an email contact form.