KR Foundation

Grants for environmental communications and advocacy, with a special focus on reducing investment and consumption of fossil fuels
Principal Office: Denmark
The KR Foundation aims to help provide solutions for the long-term challenges of living on a planet with finite resources, fragile ecosystems, and climate change.
Current priority themes are divesting from fossil fuels and re-investing in sustainability, and eliminating subsidies for fossil fuels.
Grant Programs for Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Natural Resources
Environmental Communications and Advocacy. The Foundation engages in environmental communications and advocacy based on existing knowledge, as well as in the generation of new knowledge. The Foundation also funds other approaches to positively affect practices and behavior.
Regarding current priorities, the KR Foundation supports divest-invest, i.e. divesting from fossil fuel and re-investing in sustainability. This initiative aims to persuade investors to divest from fossil fuel industries that deepen the climate crisis, and to invest instead in climate solutions. In parallel with divest-invest, the KR Foundation supports measures that eliminate subsidies for fossil fuels.
Additionally, the Foundation will consider proposals in other subject areas related to its overall mission and focus.
Grants are to charitable nonprofit organizations. The amount of funding per project typically ranges from DKK 2 million to DKK 5 million.
About the program
APPLICATION: The KR Foundation invites brief Letters of Inquiry (LOIs) in English. The Foundation posts application guidelines, budget guidance, and calendar deadlines.
About how to apply
Note: Grantmaking is likely affected by Covid-19. There are no planned calls for 2020.
Geographical Distribution of Grant Activities in Developing Countries
Applicants should consult funding history for recent grants by subject, organization, year, and country.