
Grants to fund small projects in renewable electricity
Principal Office: International
EKOenergy is an international network of over 40 environmental nonprofit organizations to promote the use of sustainable renewable energy.
The network manages a Climate Fund to make grants for small projects in renewable electricity in the developing world.
Grant Programs for Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Natural Resources
EKOenergy offers a label for sustainable electricity to energy companies meeting its criteria and standards. These are companies that produce all or a part of their electricity supply from wind, solar, biogas, hydropower, geothermal, and/or biomass sources.
1– EKOenergy Climate Fund. The participating companies sign an EKOenergy Licence Agreement. For each MWh of electricity sold under the EKOenergy label, at least 10 eurocents are contributed to EKOenergy’s Climate Fund. With these contributions, the Climate Fund makes grants for small renewable electricity projects in the developing world.
About the Climate Fund
APPLICATION: The Climate Fund only donates to projects managed by experienced organizations that work in close cooperation with local partners.
Applicants may provide details about their organizations; describe their proposed projects; and give their contact information.
Note: To date, EKOenergy has not developed a regular pattern of calls for proposals. Potentially interested persons and organizations need to monitor EKOenergy’s site for news on a periodic basis.
EKOenergy Environmental Fund. For each MWh of electricity sold as EKOenergy hydropower, at least 10 eurocents are contributed to EKOenergy’s Environmental Fund. With these contributions, the EKOenergy finances the implementation of river restoration projects.
About the Environmental Fund
APPLICATION: The Environmental Fund operates through calls for proposals. Each call defines a priority project area. The amount to be requested can be up to €50 thousand per project.
Applicants provide details about their organizations; describe their proposed projects; and give their contact information.
Find the Call for river projects
Geographical Distribution of Grant Activities in Developing Countries
Please note that the Environmental Fund for river restoration focusses on Europe, not the developing world.
EKOenergy identifies its member organizations.
The project Freshabit Life aims to improve ecological state of lakes, rivers and streams in Finland.
Contact Us provides names and emails of EKOenergy’s Secretariat in Finland, along with the names and emails of EKOenergy’s representatives in several countries.