World Conservation Union (IUCN)

Grants through country and regional programs for biodiversity conservation in the developing world
Principal Office: International
The World Conservation Union (International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN) is among the world’s largest conservation networks. Membership includes more than 1,000 organizations representing government agencies, political and economic organizations, and national and international NGOs.
IUCN is internationally known for maintaining the Red List of Threatened Species; for hosting the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands; for its joint role with WWF on monitoring international plant and wildlife trade (TRAFFIC); and for organizing and convening the World Conservation Congress.
Grant Programs for Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Natural Resources
IUCN does not have a grant-making mandate. However, grants are made through some of IUCN’s country and regional offices, and via IUCN’s participation in international programs and projects. Examples are indicated below, although they are not a complete itemization.
1 — IUCN-Netherlands. The Netherlands Committee of IUCN manages the Land Acquisition Fund to finance the purchase or lease of threatened natural areas. Grants of up to €85 thousand are made to local conservation NGOs in eligible developing countries.
APPLICATION: IUCN-Netherlands announces an annual call for project proposals. Each call includes the details of eligibility, and how and when to apply.
About funding at IUCN-Netherlands, and how to apply
2 — IUCN-Oceania. The Energy Small Grants Program provides funding for renewable energy and energy efficiency in participating countries of the Oceania region. These energy projects should be coupled with strong linkages to biodiversity and ecosystem conservation.
APPLICATION: IUCN-Oceania posts the criteria, procedure, and application deadlines for its small grants program.
(The program was first launched in 2017. There have been no new calls since.)
Geographical Distribution of Grant Activities in Developing Countries
IUCN’s website is available in English, French, and Spanish.
IUCN works through a highly decentralized structure, including six commissions. This affects how and where to look for information about grants. Additionally, IUCN has many regional and country programs which have websites.
IUCN publishes the Red List of Ecosystems as a global standard for the assessment of the conservation status of ecosystems.
The World Conservation Congress, organized through IUCN and convened every four years, is among the planet’s largest conservation events.
IUCN provides contact information for its headquarters in Switzerland, and for its regional and country offices around the world.
January 2021