Weeden Foundation

Grants for biodiversity conservation in Chile’s Patagonia region and Russia’s Altai region
Principal Office: USA
The Weeden Foundation addresses the adverse impact of growing human populations and overuse of natural resources on the biological fabric of the planet. From its beginning in 1963, the Foundation has defined biodiversity protection as its main priority.
Program areas in the Weeden Foundation are:
- Domestic Biodiversity (i.e., in USA);
- International Biodiversity (with focus on Chile’s Patagonia and Russia’s Altai);
- Land Acquisition (for biodiversity conservation);
- Population (family planning and reproductive health); and
- Sustainable Consumption (with focus on paper and wood products).
Grant Programs for Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Natural Resources
International Biodiversity. Grants support efforts in Chile’s Patagonia and Russia’s Altai Republic to limit negative environmental impacts of infrastructure projects (e.g., hydroelectric projects, mining, industrial tree plantations) in regions of native forests and wild rivers. The Foundation also supports the designation and management of protected areas. Many projects are for media campaigns, legal actions, and capacity building of civil society organizations.
Grant recipients are tax-exempt nonprofit organizations in the USA, and organizations in other countries that have equivalent tax-exempt status. Note: For projects in Chile, grants are to organizations in Chile and USA. For projects in Russia, grants are to organizations in USA that have close partners in Russia.
The average grant size is US$20 thousand.
About programs
APPLICATION: Potential applicants should study Weeden’s eligibility criteria and funding restrictions. New applicants are strongly encouraged to submit a letter of inquiry (LOI) before submitting a complete proposal.
The details of how to present a full proposal are outlined in “Application Guidelines”. The calendar deadlines for proposal submission are posted on Weeden’s website.
Consistent with its emphasis on reduced paper consumption, the Foundation has specific requirements for the paper copies and envelopes of submitted proposals.
About how to apply
Geographical Distribution of Grant Activities in Developing Countries
Latin America and Caribbean: Chile
Eastern Europe and Russia: Russia
Contact Us offers complete information for Weeden’s office in New York.
January 2021