Van Tienhoven Foundation

Small grants for grassroots nature conservation, with emphasis on applied projects in the developing world
Principal Office: Netherlands
The Van Tienhoven Foundation for International Nature Protection makes grants to promote the protection, conservation, and sustainable use of ecosystems and their living organisms.
The geographical emphasis is the developing world, where biological systems are most threatened.
Grant Programs for Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Natural Resources
Small Grants for Nature Conservation. The Van Tienhoven Foundation makes grants up to a maximum of €10 thousand for applied projects to protect threatened species and ecosystems, and/or key biodiversity areas. The priority is for applied actions at the grassroots level that lead directly to change in policy and practice.
Only projects outside the Netherlands will be considered for funding, unless they apply to migrating animals. The Foundation will not accept applications from governments, nor will it support academic projects.
APPLICATION: An application requires information about the aim and background of the proposed project; the project’s methods and main activities; the direct relevance of the project for nature conservation; the project partners; a project time schedule; and a project budget. The applying organization should also indicate the output of the project and how it will report back to the Foundation, along with an itemization of recent achievements.
Applications are submitted in English. There are two application deadlines per year.
About the program, and how to apply
Geographical Distribution of Grant Activities in Developing Countries
Worldwide (except Netherlands)
Grant seekers should consult the database of approved projects.
The Van Tienhoven Award honors persons working on applied nature conservation at the grassroots level: game guards and game guides, local authorities, villagers, volunteers, and others. Candidates for the award can be nominated by organizations and persons that have been recipients of financial support by the Van Tienhoven Foundation, and by members and former members of the Board.
The Foundation posts a biography of Pieter Gerbrand van Tienhoven, early conservationist and visionary for world nature conservation.
January 2021