Save the Rhino International

Grants for rhino conservation, monitoring, research, veterinary services, and community education in Africa and Asia
Principal Office: UK
Save the Rhino International (SRI) works to conserve viable populations of critically endangered rhinos in Africa and Asia.
SRI aims to increase the number of rhinos in genetically viable populations in the wild; enhance the integrity of ecosystems important to rhinos; and ensure that local communities benefit from rhino conservation.
Grant Programs for Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Natural Resources
Grants for rhino conservation, science, and education. SRI makes grants to advance the following initiatives for rhino conservation:
- Community conservation for social and economic development in and near rhino areas;
- Environmental education that addresses human-wildlife conflicts;
- Rhino anti-poaching and monitoring patrols;
- Translocations of rhinos from established populations to former habitats;
- Research into threats to rhino survival, and alternatives to the use of rhino horn;
- Veterinary work, such as removing snares and implanting transmitters into rhino horns.
Find the grant-making policy
Most grants are to government agencies (i.e., in the rhino range states); conservation NGOs (rhino range states and international); and community-based organizations (local).
APPLICATION: SRI prefers to work with projects on a long-term basis rather than making ad hoc grants. Thus SRI is able to consider only a few new partners in its annual grant cycles.
SRI provides a grant application form on its website. There is no calendar deadline.
Applicants explain the project goal and objectives; timetable and methodology; strategy for local coordination; benefits and outputs; and approach for project monitoring and evaluation. Also required is information about the experience of the proposed project personnel, and a budget.
The application form is sent to SRI to determine if the proposed project meets the basic selection criteria. For projects which appear attractive, SRI may request additional information.
About how to apply
Geographical Distribution of Grant Activities in Developing Countries
SRI has field programs in the countries identified below.
Southeast Asia and Pacific Islands: Indonesia, Vietnam
Sub-Saharan Africa: Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe
SRI allocates a significant amount of its funding to environmental education and community conservation programs in key rhino areas.
SRI provides complete contact information, including the names and email addresses of SRI’s staff in London.
January 2021