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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Rapid Response Facility

Grants for urgent conservation funding, with emphasis on UNESCO’s natural World Heritage sites

Principal Office: International

The Rapid Response Facility (RRF) is a program of small grants jointly sponsored by Fauna & Flora International, the UNESCO World Heritage Center, and the Franz Weber Foundation.

The RRF is designed to deliver rapid conservation funding in times of crisis, with a focus on UNESCO’s natural World Heritage sites.

Grant Programs for Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Natural Resources

Rapid Conservation FundingThe Facility aims to respond to a range of emergencies affecting eligible natural World Heritage sites, and eligible tentative natural World Heritage sites.

Emergencies include natural disasters; armed conflicts; political crises; unexpected and critical budget failures; intensified wildlife poaching; development of illegal infrastructure; encroachment; and other urgent needs.

Eligibility for grants extends to agencies legally responsible for site management (e.g., agencies for natural resources, wildlife, parks, etc.); registered local, national, and international NGOs; and the private sector (including local and multinational corporations).

Grants are a maximum of US$40 thousand for periods of up to six months.

About the program

APPLICATION: RRF provides application guidelines and an application form.

Application forms can be submitted at any time. RRF’s Secretariat will either request more information, or respond with a decision within an average of eight working days.

About how to apply

Geographical Distribution of Grant Activities in Developing Countries


RRF’s website is available in English, French, and Spanish.

In exceptional circumstances, RRF may make grants to address conservation emergencies in sites currently outside of the World Heritage network, but which are acknowledged as having outstanding biodiversity value. Grant seekers should consult the details about eligible sites.

Past grants are profiled on RRF’s website. They illustrate the kinds of requests which receive funding.

RRF’s Secretariat is based at Fauna & Flora International (UK), with complete contact information posted on RRF’s website.

January 2021