Idea Wild

Grants of equipment and supplies for biodiversity conservation, education, and research in the developing world
Principal Office: USA
Idea Wild is a nonprofit organization that provides small equipment grants and supplies in support of biodiversity conservation to conservation professionals in developing countries.
Recipients include university professors and students, conservation NGOs, and others whose professional focus is conservation biology.
Grant Programs for Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Natural Resources
Equipment and supplies for conservation. Equipment provided through Idea Wild includes binoculars, mist nets, climbing equipment, computers, printers, global positioning systems, slide projectors, video and digital cameras, telemetry equipment, and other items in support of biodiversity conservation.
Grants are to individuals of any nationality engaged in biodiversity conservation, education, or research in the developing countries.
About the program
APPLICATION: A proposal consists of the project description in any language (English, when possible); a short summary in English; a resume or CV of the applicant; and a letter of recommendation (if the applicant is a student).
The application should include a detailed description of the requested equipment, as well as contact information for the company that sells each item of the equipment. Idea Wild provides internet links to suppliers of the most frequently requested equipment items in order to help applicants choose and identify the items. The maximum request for an equipment grant is US$1,500.
Idea Wild favors applications which explain how the equipment will be recycled and shared for the benefit of additional users.
The applicant should identify a person in the USA who will receive shipment of the equipment and transport it to the applicant. This is Idea Wild’s preferred method of delivery.
Proposals may be submitted at any time.
About how to apply
Geographical Distribution of Grant Activities in Developing Countries
Grant seekers should consult featured projects to understand the support offered through Idea Wild.
Contact provides complete information.
December 2020