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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.


Ford Motor Company

Grants for projects in conservation and environment

Principal Office: USA

The Ford Motor Company is among the world’s largest makers of automobiles and other motor vehicles.

The company’s program of Conservation and Environment Grants began in 1983. Since then, the Environmental Grants program has become an annual event in the Middle East and North Africa.

Grant Programs for Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Natural Resources

Conservation and Environment. The Ford Motor Company offers grants in conservation and environment that may include the following topics:

  • Conservation of the natural environment;
  • Climate change and energy efficiency;
  • Environmental education; and
  • Conservation engineering.

Grants usually are open to grassroots NGOs and other small nonprofit groups and institutions, and sometimes also to individuals.

Most grants are less than US$12 thousand.

APPLICATION: The program operates on an annual cycle. Sometimes, Ford increases the total fund with a US$5,000 special category grant.

Explore Terms and Conditions

Geographical Distribution of Grant Activities in Developing Countries

Middle East and North Africa

Ford Motor Company’s main website is available in English. Most of the company’s global websites are available in local languages.

Some of Ford’s regional and country offices publish press releases to announce the launch of regional annual grant cycles, and sometimes also to announce grant winners after the cycle closes.

December 2020