Group 2: Biodiversity, Conservation, Wildlife

International Organizations
Government Organizations
Foundations, Corporations, and Civil Society
- Aeon Environmental Foundation
- Alongside Wildlife Foundation
- Arcus Foundation
- Audubon Naturalist Society
- Australia and Pacific Science Foundation
- BBVA Foundation
- Birding Groups and Wildlife Societies (multiple short profiles)
- Blue Action Fund
- British Ecological Society
- Christensen Fund
- Conservation Action Research Network
- Conservation International
- Conservation Leadership Programme
- Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund
- Disney Conservation Fund
- Earthwatch Institute
- EcoPix Conservation Photography
- Elephant Family
- Emerging Wildlife Conservation Leaders
- Empowers Africa
- Endangered Landscapes Programme
- Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust
- European Outdoor Conservation Association
- Fondation Nature & Découvertes
- Fondation Segré
- Ford Motor Company
- Future for Nature Foundation
- Hermès Enterprise Foundation
- Holohil Systems, Ltd.
- Idea Wild
- Institute for Pacific Coral Reefs
- International Conservation Fund of Canada
- International Elephant Foundation
- Inter-Research Science Center
- Jana Robeyst Trust Fund
- J.M. Kaplan Fund
- J.R.S. Biodiversity Foundation
- John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
- John Ellerman Foundation
- Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund
- Lawrence Foundation
- Leakey Foundation
- Lighthouse Foundation
- Liz Claiborne and Art Ortenberg Foundation
- L’OCCITANE Foundation
- Marisla Foundation
- Marsh Christian Trust
- Mava Foundation
- Mitsubishi Corporation
- Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund
- Monarch Butterfly Fund
- Morris Animal Foundation
- Nagao Natural Environment Foundation
- Nando and Elsa Peretti Foundation
- National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
- National Geographic Society
- Neotropical Grassland Conservancy
- Ocean Foundation
- Ocean Park Conservation Foundation
- Overbrook Foundation
- Pacific Asia Travel Association
- PADI Foundation
- Panthera
- Paul M. Angell Family Foundation
- People’s Trust for Endangered Species
- Primate Conservation Inc.
- Prince Bernhard Nature Fund
- Pro Natura Fund
- Rainforest Trust
- Rapid Response Facility
- Rufford Foundation
- Safari Club International Foundation
- Save Our Species
- Save Our Seas Foundation
- Save the Rhino International
- SeaWorld and Busch Gardens Conservation Fund
- Shared Earth Foundation
- Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
- Stiftung Artenschutz
- The Gorilla Organization
- Total Foundation
- Trust for Mutual Understanding
- Van Tienhoven Foundation
- Waitt Foundation
- Walton Family Foundation
- Weeden Foundation
- Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association
- Whitley Fund for Nature
- Wild Planet Trust (formerly Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust)
- Wildlife Acoustics
- Wildlife Conservation Network
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- World Conservation Union (IUCN)
- World Land Trust
- World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
- Yves Rocher Foundation
- Zoos, Botanic Gardens, and Museums (multiple short profiles)
* Please also view the grant makers in the list for Cross-Cutting, some of which are relevant for biodiversity, conservation, wildlife.