Nestlé Foundation

Research to raise human nutrition in the developing world, including support for agricultural research if it directly contributes to improved nutrition
Principal Office: Switzerland
The Nestlé Foundation for the Study of Problems of Nutrition in the World supports research in human nutrition in low-income and lower middle-income countries.
The Foundation favors research proposals that are primarily the initiative of local researchers in developing countries.
Grant Programs for Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Natural Resources
Research in human nutrition. The Foundation funds research on maternal and child nutrition; macro- and micro-nutrient deficiencies and imbalances; interactions between infection and nutrition; and promotion of nutritional education and health.
Research in areas of food policy, food production (i.e., related to agricultural development), and food technology may be considered if the proposed intervention has high potential for sustainable improvement of nutritional status.
The Foundation makes several types of grants:
- Training grants (up to US$20 thousand total for one to two years);
- Pilot grants (up to US$20 thousand total for one to two years);
- Small research grants (up to US$50 thousand total);
- Large research grants (up to US$100 thousand per year for up to three years); and
- Re-entry grants to encourage the return of post-graduate students to their home countries (up to US$50 thousand total over up to three years).
The Foundation prefers projects that have a high capacity-building component.
About the program
APPLICATION: The grant-making process has two stages. Interested scientists submit letters of intent (LOIs) at any time. The Foundation reviews the LOIs to invite selected applicants to submit full proposals.
The Foundation provides guidelines for submitting LOIs.
About how to apply
Geographical Distribution of Grant Activities in Developing Countries
The Foundation’s website is available in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic.
In 2017, the Foundation launched a new grant program, the Research for Development (R4D) Grant Program for young investigators and pre-doctoral students.
The Nestlé Prize in Creating Shared Value aims to scale up promising initiatives in nutrition, water, and rural development. Nestlé invites submissions from private and social enterprises and NGOs on innovative programs, projects, and businesses that demonstrate high social and environmental impact on a pilot scale, and that now need financial support to become commercially viable. The prize competition is sponsored every two years.