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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Association of Commonwealth Universities — Higher Education and SDGs Grants

The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) accepts applications for the Higher Education and the SDGs Challenge Grants to fund collaborative work around the sustainable development goals (SDGs). The grants are open to professional and academic staff at ACU member universities. Four grants of £2,500 are available. Applicants are encouraged to collaborate with member universities to promote further Commonwealth partnerships or other organizations such as local governments. The closing date is 02 June 2024. Details here

HudsonAlpha — AgTech Accelerator

The HudsonAlpha AgTech Accelerator connects cutting-edge, agriculture technology startups to the coaching, capital, and connections they need to build and grow their businesses. Applications are welcome from startups anywhere in the world and innovating in any area of agriculture. Each startup receives a cash investment of US$100 thousand, office space (in Huntsville, USA), and access to a global network of investors. The application deadline is 16 June 2024. AgTech Accelerator

Skål International — Sustainable Tourism Awards 2024

Skål International announces the call for submission to its 2024 Sustainable Tourism Awards. The idea is to enhance visibility and get recognition of outstanding performance in terms of sustainable and responsible tourism from all over the world. Companies, NGOs, government agencies, and educational institutions worldwide are welcome to submit an entry in one of nine available categories, including ‘Countryside and Biodiversity’ and ‘Marine and Coastal’. Applications close on 30 June 2024. Find the guidelines

Catholic Relief Services — Junior Professionals Program

The Junior Professionals Program is an opportunity for professional women in West Africa to transform their passion for international relief and development work into a career. Junior Professionals will work with Catholic Relief Services to end poverty and promote peace and self-reliance in West Africa. Fellows receive training and support CRS’ work in various sectors such as agriculture/livelihoods, health, water and sanitation, emergency response, or micro-financing. Applicants must have a Master’s degree in related fields (e.g. Economic Development, Agriculture, Health, Business, etc.). Candidates have to apply by 30 June 2024. Junior Professionals Program

Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards — Wildlife Photography Competition

The competition celebrates the hilarity of our natural world and highlights what we need to do to protect it through funny animal pictures. The competition is open to wildlife photography novices, amateurs, and professionals. Winners receive prizes (no cash awards). The deadline for entries is 31 July 2024. Comedy Wildlife

Photography 4 Humanity — Climate Justice Photography

The 2024 Photography 4 Humanity Global Prize Competition is open for submissions. The competition seeks images that show people impacted by the escalating climate crisis. This includes climate refugees, images of climate champions advocating for change, and those helping to mitigate and reverse climate change. The Global Prize Recipient will receive US$5,000. All entries must be submitted by 01 August 2024. More

People’s Trust for Endangered Species — Conservation Insight Grants

The PTES makes grants to scientific researchers and conservationists worldwide for work that helps preserve endangered species, either through research or applied field work. (Note: PTES no longer accepts grant applications for research and conservation of bird species.) The program offers small grants between £3 thousand and £10 thousand per year for up to two years. The deadline for applications is 25 August 2024. Info on worldwide grant criteria

Swiss National Science Foundation — Team-oriented Cross-border Research

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) offers funding through the Swiss Programme for International Research by Scientific Investigation Teams (SPIRIT) to research projects in all disciplines. Grants should contribute to the education of researchers in participating countries, with a special focus on equal opportunities and the promotion of women scientists. Research groups can request between CHF50 thousand and CHF500 thousand. The duration of projects is limited to 2-4 years. Applicants from two to four eligible countries are eligible to apply (SNSF determines the eligible partner countries based on the official list of countries receiving development assistance). The submission deadline is 05 November 2024. About

Melania Development Foundation — Support to Grassroots Womens’ Groups

Melania focuses on self-help projects that contribute to the improvement of the social, economic, and cultural position of women in Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America. Projects have to focus on income-generating activities, which may include agriculture (e.g., chicken farming, beekeeping, aquaculture, etc.) and several others. Melania invites and reviews project applications. Melania selects and proposes some of these projects to Dutch women’s groups for requested financial support. There is no calendar deadline. Find support

Pulitzer Center — Rainforest Reporting Grant

The Pulitzer Center provides short-term project support to journalists reporting in tropical forests. The Rainforest Reporting Grant supports journalists in three main rainforest regions—the Amazon, Congo Basin, and Southeast Asia. The supported journalism projects will focus on the tropical forests’ role in the overall climate equation and weather patterns, deforestation drivers, and solutions to halt deforestation. The Pulitzer Center will fund costs associated with reporting projects on tropical rainforests in the range of US$8 thousand to US$15 thousand. Grants are made to local journalists based in the tropical rainforest region. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. More